Our Whole Lives Curriculum Updates

This your source for replacement pages to keep your Our Whole Lives manuals up to date with changes in formatting or content. Please download, print, and use them to replace their associated pages in your copy(ies).

  • The newest versions of all page updates are posted on this page. Each page is dated, so you can check them against your curriculum and use the newest material.
  • The new editions of some of the curriculum are separated into OWL Secular, OWL-UU, and OWL-UCC formats. Within these formats each workshop is identified by number based on its order in the program. The pages within each workshop always start at 1. This makes replacing pages in three-ring binders easier.
  • Page updates are identified by the following acronyms or words: HL = Home Link; PC = Parent/Caregiver Orientation

Curriculum updates January 2025

K-1 OWL Secular

OWL K-1 Secular Introduction pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 Secular Introduction pp 9-10 (PDF)

OWL K-1 Secular PC Orientation pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 Secular Workshop 1 homelink pp 3-4 (PDF)

OWL K-1 Secular Workshop 1 pp 7-8 (PDF)

OWL K-1 Secular Workshop 3 homelink pp 2-3 (PDF)

OWL K-1 Secular Workshop 5 pp 3-4 (PDF)


OWL K-1 UU Introduction pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UU Introduction pp 11-12 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UU PC Orientation pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UU Workshop 1 homelink pp 2-3 (PDF)

OWL K1 UU Workshop 3 homelink pp 3-4 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UU Workshop 5 pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UU Workshop 5 pp 9-10 (PDF)


OWL K-1 UCC Introduction pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UCC Introduction pp 11-12 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UCC PC Orientation pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UCC Workshop 1 homelink pp 4-5 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UCC Workshop 1 pp 7-8 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UCC Workshop 3 homelink pp 2-3 (PDF)

OWL K-1 UCC Workshop 5 pp 5-6 (PDF)

OWL 7-9 2nd Edition 2024 reprint

This PDF for OWL for Grades 7-9 is comprised of multiple pages to be placed in different areas of the book.

OWL 7-9 2E reprint pages (PDF)