Call and Response: Journeys in UU Lifespan Faith Development

Who We Are: the Call and Response Blog

By Susan Lawrence

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From left: Gail Forsyth-Vail, Pat Kahn, Alicia LeBlanc, Melanie Davis, Jessica York, and Susan Lawrence of the UUA Faith Development Office. (Missing: Monica L. Cummings)

The Faith Development Office in the Ministry and Faith Development staff group of the Unitarian Universalist Association maintains this blog site. Susan Dana Lawrence, Managing Editor, serves as editor and administrator of Call and Response, supported by an editorial team including Gail Forsyth-Vail and Pat Kahn, Faith Development Resource Managers; and Jessica York, Faith Development Director. Collectively, we represent decades of experience as religious educators, curriculum developers, worship leaders, mentors, and parents.

About the Author

Susan Lawrence

Susan Dana Lawrence is managing editor for the Lifespan Faith Engagement office of the UUA. She is a writer and educator who has worked in broadcast television, corporate communications, and print journalism. She belongs to Reform Jewish and Unitarian Universalist faith communities.


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