Justice and Inclusion: Ministering Effectively in Our Multicultural World

Introducing Create Climate Justice

I am Karen Brammer, the UUA’s Climate Justice Senior Associate with the Organizing Strategy Team. I join my colleagues at Love Resists, Side with Love, and Congregational Advocacy and Witness. My work allows me to engage in the deepest vision of what we as UUs hope to become. In addition to working on connecting UUs with frontline partners, I also manage the Green Sanctuary Program.

The UUA has made climate justice one of our four intersectional priorities; the others are LGBTQ and gender justice; combating criminalization; and voting rights and expanding democracy. My focus is on supporting front line leadership for climate justice. And I hope to help leverage the many kinds of Unitarian Universalist efforts for positive impact on the climate crisis. There are many, many ways to do this work which I hope we will do more effectively and energetically in collaboration.

Create Climate Justice is what we are calling the UU inter-organizational collaborative movement. Create Climate Justice is an organizing hub to directly connect as many of us as possible to share information, resources and let each other know what we need to be more effective. I want to see you there, work with you, share what I know, learn from you! Please join us!

Create Climate Justice currently includes UUA and UU Ministry for Earth. And, we are already connecting to other UU climate focused groups including UU Service Committee, UU College of Social Justice, UU Social Justice in DC, State Action Networks, Climate Mobilization, Support for Indigenous Water Protectors, We Are Still In, and UU Citizens Climate Lobby. We want to work intentionally and collaboratively, and we are on the move.

For now, the primary focus areas for Create Climate Justice national organizing are "Just Transition" and "Support for Indigenous Resistance". The UUA and UU Ministry for Earth signed the “Promise to Protect” agreement 2 years ago. Now we are called to tangibly support the anticipated escalation of resistance to resumed building of the KXL pipeline this summer. The “Training Tour” is an immediate call for action that multiple UU organizations are supporting. Please find out how you and your congregation can support this effort.

Choices have to be made for which of the many climate justice efforts we support. Please check out the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Climate Justice Alliance to learn where I, and many of us as climate organizers are looking for direction in climate justice movement building. In future issues of our Create Climate Justice newsletter (subscribe here), we’ll be sharing information about what "Just Transition" and "Support for indigenous Resistance" mean and including the perspectives of the various UU climate-related organizations. 
All of our work takes place at createclimatejustice.net. This is a networking hub for UUs to strengthen our environmental and climate justice strategies and practices. Please sign up and open your account (free). Join us for a tour of the site on Monday afternoons at 4PM Pacific/1PM EST and Thursdays at 9:30 AM Pacific/12:30 EST.
We’re grateful to be working with you.

Rev. Karen Brammer

Promise to Protect: Keystone XL Must be Stopped. Commit to Peaceful Resistance on the Route.

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