Sam Trumbore

Sam Trumbore is a Unitarian Universalist minister who serves the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, New York, and has practiced mindfulness meditation with Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts since 1984.

From Sam Trumbore

Displaying 11 - 12 of 12

Teach my heart healing words. Show me the words that help rather than harm. Instruct me in the verbs that bring energy, the nouns pointing to the real, the adjectives describing your subtleties....

Meditation | By Sam Trumbore | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Connections, Contemplation, Healing, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Trust, Unitarian Universalism

Thoughts on Sharing Ministry and Leadership Download a PDF of this discourse Read the responses by Jeane Crane and Scott Tayler Your Gifts Your gifts–whatever you discover them to be– can be used to bless or curse the world. The mind's power, The strength of the hands, the reaches of the heart,...

By Sam Trumbore | April 22, 2005 | From Gould Discourse

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