Pat Kahn

photo of Pat Kahn

Pat Kahn served as the Professional Development Programs Manager in the Faith Development Office, with responsibilities that include the RE Credentialing Program, the Music Leader Certification Program and the Renaissance Program. She worked for the UUA in November, 2011 until June, 2019 as the Children and Families Program Development Manager.

From Pat Kahn

Displaying 1 - 10 of 23

A wake-up call, according to the Urban Dictionary, is “when you've been doing something self-destructive for some time (perhaps without realizing it) before something serious happens that forces you to come to terms with what you've been doing and that you need to stop.” ...

By Pat Kahn | February 2, 2016 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Spirituality, Beliefs & Principles, Anti-Racism, Multiculturalism

Overwhelmingly, Unitarian Universalist faith communities want to be more inclusive of all ages, but aren’t sure how to do it. Creating intentional multigenerational communities means doing things differently. It means thinking creatively and constantly asking, are we considering the needs of all...

By Pat Kahn | October 15, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Multigenerational Faith Development, Disability & Accessibility, Faith Development

I recently had a fantastic opportunity to attend a Teaching Tolerance workshop on their new Perspectives for a Diverse America (free) curriculum. Teaching Tolerance was founded in 1991 by the Southern Poverty Law Center to help reduce prejudice, improve intergroup relations, and support...

By Pat Kahn | September 12, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Children's Faith Development, Families & Faith Development, Teaching Methods

Last spring, 20 religious educators experienced continuing education that blended online and in-person learning in the first ever "hybrid" Renaissance module, co-led by Pat Infante and Gabrielle Farrell. ...

By Pat Kahn | September 1, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Professional Development for Religious Educators

A fine way to celebrate August 2, the birthday of Sophia Fahs, is to take a look at her classic story collection, From Long Ago and Many Lands: Stories for Children Told Anew. It is now available on the Unitarian Universalist Association website, at no charge (PDF, 288 pages). ...

By Pat Kahn | August 4, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: UU History, Multiculturalism

In a previous Call and Response post (Parents and “Fellow Laborers,” July 2013), we shared advice for parents from the famous Sunday School Address by William Ellery Channing (1780-1842). The Unitarian minister also had lots to say for those who teach in our religious...

By Pat Kahn | May 25, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: UU History, Professional Development for Religious Educators

The first completely online Renaissance module, UU History, has now been offered four times, including the field test in 2013. Participants have given glowing reports on the online learning format as well as the breadth and depth of the module’s content. It seems that using technology to explore...

By Pat Kahn | March 15, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: UU History, Faith Development, Professional Development for Religious Educators

I remember my 25th birthday—a quarter of a century! It felt like a major accomplishment. It has been just as significant celebrating each of my daughters’ 25th birthdays, with pride in them both and accompanying gratitude. Somehow a 25th birthday feels like a really special...

By Pat Kahn | November 24, 2014 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Children, Globalism, International Human Rights & Justice

[Editors' note: Through the Renaissance program, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) offers continuing education for UU religious educators, including musicians, ministers, seminarians, and lay leaders. Each 15-hour module provides basic training in a topic area useful in...

By Pat Kahn | October 27, 2014 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Anti-Racism, Multiculturalism, Professional Development for Religious Educators

Theme-based ministry is happening in more and more congregations throughout our movement. What is theme-based ministry? According to Rev. Scott Tayler, the UUA’s Director of Congregational Life, theme-based ministry “is a powerfully engaging way of focusing the life of a congregation on...

By Pat Kahn | August 20, 2014 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Worship Tips, Multigenerational Faith Development

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