Anne Odin Heller

The Reverend Anne Odin Heller is the author of Churchworks: A Well-body Book for Congregations. She has served the Unitarian Universalist Association as District Executive (DE) for the Pacific Northwest District and as Interim DE for both the Massachusetts Bay District and the Southwest Conference. She has been a parish minister in small congregations (Sierra Foothills UUs) and large (First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis), and was Associate to the President for Public Affairs at Starr King School for the Ministry. Previously, she served the San Francisco Bay Girl Scout Council, earning awards for program, organizational, and membership development work and camp direction.

From Anne Odin Heller

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An accessible, attractive and efficient office space makes staff, volunteers and visitors happy and productive!

Leader Resource | By Anne Odin Heller | November 21, 2018 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Congregational Administration, Membership Growth & Outreach

Engages elders in mining the stories of a lifetime to create a presentation to share with peers, loved ones, and co-congregants. Two weekend retreats—one for preparation, one for presentations—frame an individual period of remembering, sorting, reflecting, and writing.

Curriculum | By Anne Odin Heller | October 26, 2011 | For Older Adults | From From the High Hill
Tagged as: Aging, Older Adult Faith Development

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