Warren Brown

Warren Brown in his office

Warren Brown lives in Boardman, OH and is the owner of Brown Audio Service, LLC. He has helped his own UU church and dozens of others to install hearing loops and other assistive listening systems. He installed a hearing loop in the main hall of the 2016 UUA General Assembly in Columbus, OH. He is a member of EqUUal Access.

His story:

A while back, I was approached by a hearing impaired member of my church here in Akron,OH about installing a hearing loop in our sanctuary. As the church’s audio technician, I was interested in the idea but did not know much about the technology. After quite a bit of research, I was convinced that properly installed hearing loops provide superior auditory assistance for those with t-coil equipped hearing aids. Once funding was procured, we installed a system.

The morning it was activated, the response was overwhelming. Members with hearing aids were delighted and told me that they had never been able to hear the service better. One said that she could experience the service without having to read lips for the first time. Another told me she could finally understand the words the choir sang.

With that, I wondered why hearing loops weren’t more common. That’s when I decided to devote myself to making loops more available to the hearing impaired community in Ohio. I started Brown Audio Service with that mission.