Erik W. Martínez Resly

Rev. Erik Martínez Resly is the Lead Organizer of The Sanctuaries, a diverse arts community with soul in Washington, DC. He grew up in Germany and studied at Brown University and Harvard Divinity School.

Rev. Erik MartinezResly and The Sanctuaries, Washington, DC have been selected as the 2016-17 Entrepreneurs-in-Residence.

From Erik W. Martínez Resly

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“The beauty of the world is the mouth of a labyrinth,” writes Simone Weil. We would be foolish not to follow its call. And so we enter the labyrinth, lured by the whiff of a dream still in the making: the possibility of a new relationship, the promise of a new career, the potential for a new...

Reading | By Erik W. Martínez Resly | April 27, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Challenge, Change, Failure, Faith, Journey, Living Our Faith

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