Call to Meeting
TO: Presidents, Ministers, Religious Educators, Musicians, and Administrators of Member Congregations
FROM: Dorit Bergen, MidAmerica Region Board Secretary
DATE: February 25, 2022
This is the Official Call for the 2022 MidAmerica Region Annual Business Meeting:
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Online Meeting
Business Meeting begins at 9:45 am Central Time; 10:45 am Eastern Time
Delegates must be credentialed online by their congregation no later than 5:00 pm Central Time; 6:00 pm Eastern Time on Friday, April 29, 2022
This Call to Meeting notification also includes:
- Tentative agenda for the Annual Business Meeting
- Proposed Rules of Procedure
- Congregational Listing of Delegate Numbers
The Bylaws of the MidAmerica Region of the UUA state that congregations and individual members of the Church of the Larger Fellowship may have the same numbers and kinds of delegates at the Region’s Annual Meeting as are permitted at the UUA General Assembly. This includes member delegates in the numbers set out in the UUA Bylaws. In addition, ministers in fellowship serving congregations, credentialed religious educators, credentialed musicians, and those serving as directors of religious education are also eligible to be delegates. Delegate credentialing process information will be sent to congregations in early March 2022. Delegates must ensure their names and email addresses have been provided no later than April 29, 2022, at 5:00 pm Central Time; 6:00 pm Eastern Time. Delegates will be sent information about voting prior to the meeting.
Voting materials will be made available on the MidAmerica Region website and will be emailed to presidents, ministers, religious educators, musicians, administrators, and those credentialed as delegates for the Annual Meeting by no later than March 29, 2022.
Questions? Contact the Regional Office at 312-636-9724, or email
Annual Meeting FAQs
When should we receive our Delegate Credential Information? The Delegate Credential Information should reach your congregation office through email around March 15, 2022.
When will delegates receive voting materials? Voting materials will be emailed to all those credentialed as delegates by March 29, 2022. Materials will also be available on the Region website.
How many delegates is each congregation entitled to send to the Annual Meeting? This Delegate Count document (PDF) contains a list of congregations, sorted alphabetically by state then city, that shows the number of delegates each congregation may send to the Annual Meeting. If your congregation has no contribution of record to the Unitarian Universalist Association during the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, you will not be entitled to delegates at the meeting.
Should you believe that the number of delegates is in error, please contact Lisa Presley, Congregational Life Consultant, at, or 248-514-5458.
How is the number of delegates determined? The number of delegates is determined by the MidAmerica Bylaws. For congregational delegates, the numbers are the same that the congregation would be entitled to for General Assembly. Ministers in fellowship serving congregations, affiliated ministers, ministers emeritus/emerita, credentialed religious educators, credentialed musicians, and directors of religious education are afforded delegate status by virtue of their position.
How are membership numbers determined for each congregation? The congregational membership is reported/certified with the UUA in February each year. The number of certified members as reported by February 5, 2022, is used to determine the number of delegates for each congregation for this year’s Annual Meeting.