Minutes - Annual Meeting 2020

MidAmerica Regional Assembly 2020 – Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2020

Call to Order by David Lauth, Board of Trustees President, at 10:45 AM.

Technical Tips
Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley, Regional Staff, gave instructions on how to use the voting feature, the chat feature and the mute button.

Agenda Review and Opening Words by David Lauth.
Opening words were “It Might Be” by Tanja Draxler.

Regional Lead Report
Rev. David Pyle, the new MidAmerica Regional Lead, introduced himself and made opening remarks.

Dorit Bergen, Board of Trustees Secretary, certified that with 94 congregations from 12 states being represented, the meeting had a quorum and could proceed.

Rules of Procedures
Tammy Lemmer moved adoption of the Rules of Procedureand Kyrie Bock seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

New Congregations
David Lauth introduced two congregations that have joined the UUA since the last Regional Assembly:

  • Lakeshore UU Fellowship of Manitowoc, WI
  • Mt. Vernon UU Fellowship of Mt. Vernon, IL

Nominating Committee
Bob Lovell, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, discussed the work of the Committee, explaining its process. He talked about the efforts they had made to attract candidates of color and their lack of success in doing so. The persons of color currently on the Nominating Committee are leaving it and no candidates of color applied for any of the vacancies. He requested help from attendees at the meeting to increase the racial/ethnic diversity on the MidAmerica Region’s boards and committees.

Bob then presented the slate of 11 candidates to fill vacancies on the Board of Trustees, the Nominating Committee and the Midwest UU Conference Board. There will still be one vacancy on the Board of Trustees which the Nominating Committee will be working to fill in the next few months. The Committee is also looking for a nominee for the Camp Unistar Board.

Helen Dwyer moved and Kay Slama seconded approval of the slate of candidates:

Nominations for the Board of Trustees:
For the Term Expiring in 2023 – Dorit Bergen (Incumbent), Madison, WI
For the Term Expiring in 2023 – Jim Moir, Dearborn Heights, MI
For the Term Expiring in 2023 – Autumn Mahoney, Brighton, MI
For the Term Expiring in 2021 – Rae Jane Araujo, West Chester, OH
For the Term Expiring in 2021 – Hans Kelson, Bloomington, IN

Nominations for the Nominating Committee:
For the Term Expiring in 2022 – Mel Priese, St. Louis, MO
For the Term Expiring in 2022 – John Lunsford, Terre Haute, IN
For the Term Expiring in 2022 – Julie Brock (Incumbent), Brighton, MI
For the Term Expiring in 2022 – Scott Emison Clair, Des Moines, IA

Nominations for the Midwest Unitarian Universalist Conference:
For the Term Expiring in 2023 – Rollie Hanson, Shorewood, WI
For the Term Expiring in 2023 –Charles Lewis, Des Moines, IA
Motion passed with 111 yes votes and one no vote. Bob Lovell thanked the delegates, and David Lauth thanked the newly elected members and the Nominating Committee.

Jessica York, UUA Director of Congregational Life, offered greetings from the UUA and words of support and connection. She pointed out the many resources for the pandemic listed on the UUA’s website. She closed by saying, “Thank you so much for keeping the faith.”

David Lauth thanked outgoing Trustee Kyrie Bock, and outgoing Midwest UU Conference Board members Rae Jane Araujo and Ted Lau. Bob Lovell thanked outgoing members of the Nominating Committee Kees deWit, Claude Diogo and Betty Holcomb.

David Lauth offered closing words, “Pandemic” by Lynn Ungar.

Tammy Lemmer moved adjournment. Kyrie Bock seconded. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Dorit Bergen, Board of Trustees Secretary