UUANI VoteLove Training
Part of Regional Assembly 2020

As I am sure you all suspect the in-person training on April 17th in Deep Canvassing has been cancelled. The GREAT news is that we are going to be able to offer this same content ON-LINE.
Register TODAY tinyurl.com/u28fyg6
The time has come to go beyond being the people who show up so wonderfully in our yellow shirts to being people who engage our neighbors in the democratic process around what’s at stake in terms of worth and dignity, justice and equity, interdependence and compassion.
UUANI is launching VoteLove IL in partnership with the UUA’s #UUtheVote campaign. VoteLove IL is about putting our UU values into action by encouraging our neighbors to engage in the democratic process from a basis of compassion. Our launch is April 17 at a day-long Deep Canvassing training with Olivia Chow, who founded the Institute for Change Leaders (ICL). This education will be available anyone in the region who can join us. Deep canvassing is about having door-to-door, one-to-one conversations, with people in your community about the issues that matter to you. This concept embodies the spirit of Vote Love and makes possible the opportunities that transform our relationships and communities. During this one-day seminar you will: Develop skills to tell your story and motivate others, and learn and practice deep canvassing to move voters. The curriculum is based on the teachings of Harvard University Professor Marshall Ganz, an advisor to President Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign and veteran of SNCC and United Farm Worker campaigns.
The new schedule for on-line training will be:
- Sat. April 25th 9:30 - 11:30 am : Personal Narrative
- Sat. May 2nd 9:30 - 11:30 am : Recruiting for the work
- Sat. May 9th 9:30 - 11:30 am : Deep Canvass - Conversational persuasion
- Sat. May 30th 9:30 - 11:30 am : Congregational engagement
These techniques are ones that can translate easily to conversations via phone, video conferencing or face to face. We will discuss how to effectively phone bank as well as how to do door to door conversations.
UUANI is generously funded by the UU Funding Program.
**Please note: This seminar is funded by a fee assessed the registrants. If you would like a scholarship, email us at uuani@uuani.org instead of registering.