Youth and Young Adults

Youth and Young Adults with Nancy Combs-Morgan at RA2016
The MidAmerica Regional Assembly will be a unique time for deepening of our relationships, connections, and consciousness in how we deinstitutionalize white supremacy. Our hope is that this Regional Assembly will shine a light on the diverse voices and perspectives in Unitarian Universalism. To help us in this endeavor, the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change will be with us to listen carefully as they help our movement analyze structural racism and white supremacy within the UUA. The wide array of engaging speakers, workshops, and worship will provide a spiritual grounding for this important faith work.
We warmly encourage youth; the adults who serve in youth ministry, and young adults to take part in a time of ingathering at the end of programming on Friday evening. This will be a 45 minute time to center ourselves; to get to know one another and to talk about hopes and expectations for the Regional Assembly.
On Saturday evening, April 6th, before dinner, there will be a multigenerational expression of our shared spiritual grounding in a community hymn sing. After dinner, we will be collaborating with young adults from the St. Louis area, and national Thrive young adult leaders, in providing a multigenerational day’s end time for spiritual grounding for 45 minutes.