In spite of our small numbers in the national religious scene, Unitarian Universalists have been at the forefront of every significant social change in our nation's history. Now, more than ever, we need to work with partners to have an impact in our cities, states and country.
Our Keynote Speaker on Saturday morning was Rev. Dr. Lee Barker, President and Professor of Ministry at Meadville-Lombard Theological School!
To Multi-Faith: A Verb
Unitarian Universalism is perfectly situated to promote constructive multi-faith engagement for increased understanding and enhanced harmony. Success will depend on a new understanding of what it means to “be engaged.”
Keynote Slide Presentation (PDF) (326 KB)
We asked Lee, “Why are you passionate about the subject of multi-faith partnerships – what excites you about it?”
Being more deeply engaged in authentic multifaith partnerships and alliances allows for growth in ways we cannot even imagine. And by growth I don’t mean only the expansion of inclusiveness and justice—as true and important as that is. I mean growth in one’s theological, philosophical and ethical life. I have experienced it myself and I have seen it among my students, many of whom have long multifaith “credentials.” They find that when they get even deeper, they can’t ignore core differences. When they confront that reality, they have arrived at a new place of possibility and hope.
As our congregations are experiencing greater attendance and members’ activism in our communities, it is more important than ever before that we work with other faith communities to bring our values to the forefront. When we partner, our impact grows exponentially.
Location and Lodging
We were at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook
1401 West 22nd Street, Oak Brook IL 60523
You may call ------ for central reservations. Mention "Unitarian Universalist Meeting" to get the group rate of $99 per night. If you use the BOOK NOW link above, it will automatically take you to the correct page. BOOK BY APRIL 12.
The Chicago Oak Brook Marriott includes: Fitness Center, Pool, and Restaurants on Site
Check in: 4:00 PM - Check out: 12:00 PM
Complimentary on-site parking * This hotel does not provide shuttle service
15 miles from Chicago O'Hare International Airport - ORD
20 miles from Chicago Midway International Airport - MDW
Fees and Deadlines
Early bird registration until April 5
Children must be registered before the Early bird date
Scholarship requests must be in by the Early bird date
Conference discounted rate for a room at the hotel will be available until April 12
Final registration deadline Friday, April 21
Registration will be possible at the door at the regular price -- with no meals. The hotel restaurant and coffee shop will be available.
Regional Assembly Registration Fees
Age group | Earlybird | Regular | At the door (no meals) |
Adult | $165 | $190 | $190 |
Young Adult | 140 | 165 | $165 |
Youth (age 13-18) |
100 | 100 | 100 |
Children (age 3-12) with child care * |
100 | n/a | n/a |
2 and under (no child care) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Volunteers (work 2 hours) | 145 | n/a | n/a |
* There will be a family maximum rate for childcare.
What is included in the registration fee?
- The adult, young adult and youth registration fees include all programming and four meals.
- The children's registration fee includes childcare and the same four meals.
- The four meals are breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.
Caucus Space
We find that often during larger meetings, it is important for persons who share specific identities to be able to have time and space where they can meet with each other for conversation, support, sanctuary and/or caucusing.
This year, we are providing two rooms for this purpose. They are the Villa Park and Burr Ridge rooms on the lower level, and they will be available on a first-come, first served basis. There will be sign up sheets by the entry, and we request that you sign up for only one hour at a time to allow the rooms to be shared by any groups that may need them. These rooms are designed to be for members of historically marginalized communities; if you’re looking for spaces for conversations about specific issues and/or topics, we invite you to look for space in the hotel lobby, rather than signing up for one of these rooms.
Children’s Program
Our Children’s Programming theme for the MidAmerica Regional Assembly 2017 is Being a Partner for Change
The age range is 3-12 years.
Children’s programming at the 2017 MidAmerica Regional Assembly will build on the theme of the assembly of enhancing our interfaith partnerships. Children will have a day of creative engagement in “Being a Partner for Change.” The children’s program will include guided story, song, art projects, and fellowship building activities.
We ask that parents pick up their children for lunch and then return at 1p. We will have two trained childcare providers with the participants for the entire day.
- The Child registration fee includes all four conference meals plus the child care.
- The deadline for Child registration is before April 1.
- Childcare is from 9:00 am - noon and 1:00 - 5:00 pm on Saturday, April 29.
1st Child: $100
2nd Child: $75
3rd and more: no additional charge
Child Permission Form
Youth Program
We invite youth and youth advisors from across the MidAmerica region to take part in "Finding our Partners: Faith in Action" Regional Assembly.
Our multigenerational goal is to make sure that youth, young adults, and adults have multiple opportunities to reflect, gain skills and resources, to help reframe your understanding of being an interfaith partner.
There will not be a separate youth track, but there is a youth orientation on Friday evening at the close of the opening service. Also, we will have a youth debrief on Saturday evening, after the closing service.
Many of our workshops will be of particular interest to youth and youth advisors, especially our workshop, ComUUnity @ Heart, which will include leaders from the Interfaith Youth Core. This workshop will explore capacity building to realize spirit filled, lifespan, caring, and sustainable models which put social justice at the center of congregational life. We will have youth and adult voices exploring the power of being a community of care, which embodies care for self, community, and the greater world. Learn about multigenerational success stories of UU congregations who seek to be a community of care through music/movement and message.
Please note: Youth MUST fill out and mail these forms:
Youth Conduct Agreement
Youth Permission Form
Listening Circle
Dear Members and Friends of the MidAmerica Region of the UUA,
The past few weeks have been difficult for many across the Unitarian Universalist community. We have all struggled, as pain resulting from patterns of institutional racism and the impact of white supremacy within our Association has been laid bare, reflecting our failure to live up to our covenant, our values, and our commitment to creating the beloved community.
As difficult as this time has been, I believe that it represents a watershed moment for our denomination.
The MidAmerica Region will be holding our Regional Assembly in a few weeks, April 28th-30th, 2017. Unitarian Universalist from across our 13 state region will be gathering in Oak Brook, IL. This offers us an opportunity to come together and begin this important work. I believe it starts with listening. With that in mind, I, and the MidAmerica Region Board, would like to offer an hour-long listening circle opportunity on Friday, April 28th, prior to Regional Assembly, at 4:00 PM. I invite any and all who wish to come, hear one another, hold each other’s pain; not looking to agree, but to understand and begin to see our way forward. We will hold this circle in the Westchester Room of the conference center at the Oak Brook Marriott.
I look forward to being with you in Oak Brook, in a few weeks. Thank you for your work and your commitment to building a better way.
In faith & hope,
Eric Huffer
MidAmerica Region of the UUA
You do not have to be registered for Regional Assembly to participate in the Listening Circle. We would, however, appreciate an RSVP:
Saturday Evening Event
Climate Justice Creative Collective
Engage in a entertaining experience of music, movement, and message on Climate Justice. We will be having multigenerational music and dancing with creative stations for collaborative artwork and reflections on climate justice.
Join members of the UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Network in an interactive worship service for climate justice. UU young adults in the midwest region will provide grounding reflections on the urgency of climate justice and how to move forward as a faith community. The UUYACJ network pledged to deliver 100 worship services for climate justice as part of a Commit2Respond campaign to uplift young adult voices and engage communities around the world to act on climate justice led by UU values. More info about the campaign.
Contact UUYACJ Communications Coordinator Amelia Diehl (uuyacj@gmail.com) for more information.
Chicago Climate Justice March information:
Saturday, 4/29/17, from 12-4
Climate March Contact Info: jfujan@fwwatch.org
Let us know if you'd like to join the Climate Justice March
Let us know if you'd like to participate in a Leadership Training.
Stay updated by following the Facebook and Food and Water Watch pages.
Gender Inclusive Restrooms
Gender inclusive restrooms will be located on the lower level of our conference space, in the Health and Fitness area of the hotel. Clear signage will direct participants to these restrooms.
Session 1
- Building Bridges across Class and Race - Kellie Kelly and Rev. Darrick Jackson
UU culture is seen as white, well-educated, professional and middle class. This workshop will explore how class and race shape one’s worldview. We will look at ways to use the gifts these differences bring to strengthen spirituality and social justice across faith and cultural borders. - Post-Traumatic Stress: Inclusion and Community Integration of Trauma Survivors - Rachel Carter
Post-Traumatic Stress can occur from various types of trauma. It can affect a person's every moment and make congregational involvement difficult without the proper support. Learn about PTSD, how to be more welcoming and inclusive of people with mental illnesses, and how to partner with other agencies in the community. - Enough is Enough: Stewardship and Fundraising in Changing Times - Mary Katherine Morn
We will tackle some of the money myths that get in the way of realizing our full potential as congregations and as people of faith and explore the essentials of effective fundraising in congregations. - Oceti Sakowin Camp: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, North Dakota, Missouri River, and Beyond -- Experiences and Insights
PART 1 of 2 - Karen Van Fossan, Ashley Horan and Johnnie Aseron
In recent months, many Nations came to gather at the 1851 treaty land on the Missouri River near Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota.Throughout the months of resistance to potential environmental impacts to the river, extraordinary circumstances for the members of the Great Sioux Nation (Seven Council Fires), their friends, and allies gave rise to multiple opportunities to define what it means to work together.
You are invited to participate in an introductory conversation and exploration of critical aspects needed for a collective understanding of genuine inter-Nātional collaboration.
Johnnie Aseron serves as executive director of the Inter-Nātional Initiative for Transformative Collaboration (INITC), whose Stories and Songs of the People project explores what it means to be a human being, traditionally and contemporarily. As former coordinator of wellness and inter-faith events at Oceti Sakowin camp, Johnnie brings a range of experiences and stories to share. Karen Van Fossan serves as minister of the Bismarck-Mandan UU Fellowship, which is a collaborative partner with INITC and was a co-organizer of inter-faith prayer opportunities at Oceti Sakowin camp, as well as the larger Bismarck area. She is a foster mom, licensed counselor, humanities scholar, and activist. Ashley Horan is a Unitarian Universalist minister who most recently served for two years as the Consulting Minister at The Universalist Unitarian Church of Joliet, IL. She is a lifelong UU who grew up at Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul, where she is still a member. - Governance as Leadership - Jim Key
This workshop will explore both the legal and leadership requirements, as well as the opportunities, of trusteeship. - ComUUnity@Heart - Nancy Combs-Morgan
Explore capacity building to realize spirit filled, lifespan, caring, and sustainable models which put social justice at the center of congregational life. We will have youth and adult voices exploring the power of being a community of care, which embodies care for self, community, and the greater world. Learn about multigenerational success stories of UU congregations who seek to be a community of care through music/movement and message. - With Passion and Purpose: Partnering to Serve Families - Phillip Lund
Protecting and defending the most vulnerable in our society often means finding ways to support families and children. Partnering with community organizations that serve families is an excellent place to start. - Congregational Parternships: Collaboration and Capacity Building - MidAmerica Board
The mission of the MidAmerica board is to create Synergy across the region through storytelling, stewardship, and social justice engagement. Stories offer a powerful frame for our lives and experiences both individually and collectively. In addition, our congregational polity and shared covenant ask us to see other UU congregations as partners and allies. How has your work with other congregations enhanced your sense of mission, identity, or provided mutual support for your efforts? Join members of the MidAmerica board to highlight how your congregation has or could benefit from connecting with other congregations in your area.
Session 2
- Conversations Against Racism: Using Talk to Strengthen our Walk in our Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression Struggles - Allan Lindrup and Marie Cobbs
We will use a conversational setting, governed by discussion triggers to keep the interchange moving. We encourage full participation within the framework of UU principles. We call these “conversations against racism” to emphasize the need to create doable action against racism. - Welcoming the Other: Two Churches' Experience with Refugee Sponsorship - Carol S. Nielsen and Clara Lewis
There are over 19 million refugees in the world today. Our Unitarian Universalist values encourage us to oppose war and work for peace. Refugee sponsorship offers a very tangible way to work for peace. By agreeing to sponsor families to become US residents we are living our faith in a very concrete and important ways. Refugee sponsorship is a serious and long term commitment for a congregation involving financial resources, human energy and commitment, and the realization that we may be in for the long haul. The rewards are enormous for everyone. Two congregations have sponsored refugee families and will describe their experiences. - Wonder as a Justice Making Practice - Sharon Dittmar
Participants will learn about the "Tragic Gap," the gap between what is and what could be possible. Participants will practice leadership skills such as how to ask "open and honest questions," so they can remain in the gap, hold tension, maintain dialogue, and move forward on challenging issues. - Oceti Sakowin Camp: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, North Dakota, Missouri River, and Beyond -- Experiences and Insightt
PART 2 of 2 - Karen Van Fossan, Ashley Horan and Johnnie Aseron
See description in PART 1 above - How Governance Supports and Sustains Congregational Partnership - Laura Park
This workshop will help participants find an authentic board role to invite and sustain fruitful congregational partnerships. How should partnership influence board practice? How can the board help the congregation make, keep, and renew promises with its partners to put our Unitarian Universalist faith in action? - Congregational Presidents Roundtable - Ian Evison
Congregational presidents report that this year has been challenging and inspiring as they help their congregations live out their missions amidst complex interpersonal, financial, and social justice challenges. This session will be an opportunity for presidents, and president-elects to share wisdom and lean from the experience of others. - Resources for Small Congregations - Phillip Lund and Nancy Combs-Morgan
Join us as we explore some of the many resources available to help small congregations live out their UU values—worship, faith development, and social action. - Congregational Parternships: Social Justice Collaborations and Capacity Building - MidAmerica Board
The mission of the MidAmerica board is to create Synergy across the region through storytelling, stewardship, and social justice engagement. Stories offer a powerful frame for our lives and experiences both individually and collectively. Many of the congregations in the MidAmerica region have strong commitments to justice work and congregational engagement in that work. Join members of the MidAmerica board to share your stories of successful local efforts. On what issues have you focused? Who are your partners? How has the work engaged members and others in the community? In telling, hearing, and understanding these experiences, we can re-energize and re-inspire ourselves and each other. - Bringing the World into Your UU Congregation -- Allison Hess
Inspiring new chapters of community-building and confronting injustice are being added every day to the story of our global faith. This interactive workshop will share stories and activities for congregations seeking to deepen and strengthen their links with our interdependent world community. Learn about how to engage with the work being done by Unitarian Universalists on the global stage, including in advocacy at the United Nations and beyond. (Please note, this workshop was moved from the first Session)
Worship Services
Two of our UU Ministers Association Chapters in the MidAmerica Region will be presenting worship services at this year’s Regional Assembly. Friday night’s worship will be presented by the Central Midwest UUMA Chapter, and Sunday morning’s worship will be presented by the Heartland UUMA Chapter.
The interactive worship service on Saturday night will be presented by members of the UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Network. The Network has pledged to deliver 100 worship services for climate justice as part of a Commit2Respond campaign to uplift young adult voices and engage communities around the world to act on climate justice, led by their UU values.
Here are the times and locations for Regional Assembly events. Scroll down for workshop locations.
Schedule is subject to change.
Friday, April 28, 2017 |
4:00-7:30 pm | Registration & Delegate Credentialing Open | Reception Area (Outside Main Ballroom) |
4:00-7:30 pm | Bookstore open | Salon G-H |
4:00-5:00 pm | MidAmerica Board Listening Circle (RSVP) | Westchester |
4:30-5:30 pm | Friends of MidAmerica Donor Reception | Marquis |
6:30 pm | e-Banner Parade (deadline for submissions was April 1) | Main Ballroom |
6:45 pm | Worship Service | Main Ballroom |
7:30-9:00 pm | UUA Presidential Candidates Forum | Main Ballroom |
Saturday, April 29, 2017 |
7:00-8:15 am | Breakfast | Main Ballroom |
7:30-10:15 am | Registration & Delegate Credentialing Open | Reception Area |
7:30 am - 6:30 pm | Bookstore open | Salon G-H |
9:00 - noon | Childcare | Salon E |
9:00-10:30 am | Keynote | Main Ballroom |
10:30-10:45 am | Break | Reception Area |
10:45 am-12:15 pm | MidAmerica Annual Meeting | Main Ballroom |
12:15-1:30 pm | Lunch | Main Ballroom |
1:00 - 5:00 | Childcare | Salon E |
1:30-2:45 pm | Workshop Session 1 | various |
2:45-3:00 pm | Break | Reception Area |
3:00-4:15 pm | Workshop Session 2 | various |
4:15-4:30 pm | Break | Reception Area |
4:30-5:30 pm | White Supremacy Teach-In (Resources) | Main Ballroom |
5:30-6:30 pm | Social Hour (note: please bring cash to buy drink tickets) | Reception Area |
6:00-8:00 pm | Dinner | Main Ballroom |
8:00-9:00 pm | Entertainment and Worship Service for Climate Justice | Main Ballroom |
Sunday, April 30, 2017 |
7:30-9:00 am | Breakfast | Main Ballroom |
9:30-10:45 am | Worship | Main Ballroom |
Workshop Locations
Session 1: 1:30 - 2:45 pm | Location |
A. Building Bridges across Class and Race - Kellie Kelly and Rev. Darrick Jackson | Elmhurst 1 & 2 |
B. Post-Traumatic Stress: Inclusion and Community Integration of Trauma Survivors - Rachel Carter | Wheaton |
C. Wonder as a Justice Making Practice - Sharon Dittmar | Westchester |
D. Oceti Sakowin Camp: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, North Dakota, Missouri River, and Beyond -- Experiences and Insights PART 1 of 2 - Karen Van Fossan, Ashley Horan and Johnnie Aseron |
LaGrange |
E. Governance as Leadership - Jim Key | Lombard |
F. ComUUnity@Heart - Nancy Combs-Morgan | Elmhurst 4 |
G. With Passion and Purpose: Partnering to Serve Families - Phillip Lund | Salon F |
H. Congregational Parternships: Collaboration and Capacity Building - MidAmerica Board | Elmhurst 3 |
Session 2: 3:00 - 4:15 pm | Location |
A. Conversations Against Racism: Using Talk to Strengthen our Walk in our Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression Struggles - Allan Lindrup and Marie Cobbs | Elmhurst 4 |
B. Welcoming the Other: Two Churches Experience with Refugee Sponsorship - Carol S. Nielsen and Clara Lewis | Wheaton |
C. Congregational Giving - UUA Stewardship and Development | Elmhurst 1 |
D. Oceti Sakowin Camp: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, North Dakota, Missouri River, and Beyond -- Experiences and Insights PART 2 of 2 - Karen Van Fossan, Ashley Horan and Johnnie Aseron |
LaGrange |
E. How Governance Supports and Sustains Congregational Partnership - Laura Park | Elmhurst 2 |
F. Congregational Presidents Roundtable - Ian Evison | Lombard |
G. Resources for Small Congregations - Phillip Lund | Westchester |
H. Congregational Parternships: Social Justice Collaborations and Capacity Building - MidAmerica Board | Elmhurst 3 |
I. Bringing the World into Your UU Congregation - Allison Hess (moved from Session 1) | Salon F |
We'll have a small version of the UUA Bookstore at Regional Assembly! Please browse through the books selected for us, many relating to our theme. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted.
Contact Us
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- SOCIAL MEDIA - #MidAmericaRA2017
2017 Photos
We invite you to share your photos and impressions on social media: #MidAmericaUU17
Send photos to: midamerica@uua.org
Or upload to our DROPBOX
By posting or sending photos, you are giving permission for MidAmerica Region to use these on our website and in other media. Thank you!
Regional Assembly 2017 photos in Google Drive