The Three C's: Covenant, Conflict, and Community

The Guild of Interim Religious Educators (GIRE) invites you to explore The “Three C’s of Staff Relations” that can spell the difference between a collaborative, healthy staff team and one that finds itself adrift. We’ll explore the importance of covenants - as they impact staff ministry teams and the congregation. We’ll examine conflict - both how it occurs and how to navigate it. And we’ll focus on building healthy staff relationships and the ways in which our relationships as religious professionals impact the communities we serve.
This three-hour, one-session program is offered on September 28; deadline for registration is September 15. This program is facilitated by transitional educators Leah Purcell, Lily Rappaport, and Deborah Weiner. Register now; class participation will be capped at twenty individuals.
Learn more and register at the GIRE website.