State Advocacy Network Job Openings

From Minnesota's long-established Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA) to Wisconsin's newer Wisconsin UU State Action Network (WUUSAN), state action networks are catching the eye of many Unitarian Universalists in the MidAmerica Region.

Iowa UU Witness Advocacy Network Logo

In addition to being a resource on justice issues, state action networks connect like-minded congregations and individuals who share a passion, and they provide avenues for potential social and legislative change. The UU collective voice amplifies this potential. Two state action networks in the MidAmerica Region, Iowa and Wisconsin, hope to hire part-time staff for outreach and organizing. These hires will further UU values and amplify the UU collective voice for social justice. For more information, contact the Iowa UU Witness Advocacy Network ( and/or Wisconsin UU State Action Network ( and ask how to apply.