Faithify & Chalice Lighters May Update


We are happy to share a new Faithify campaign from Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Troy, Michigan. Their 110-year-old barn church, an official Michigan Historic Landmark, needs vital repairs to its roof and sanctuary. They are raising funds to:

  • Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Troy, Michigan
    Install a new roof
  • Repair roof and sanctuary ceiling infrastructure
  • Repair the sanctuary ceiling
  • Upgrade lighting for improved visibility and performance

MidAmerica Chalice Lighters will contribute 10% (up to $1000) of the final amount the congregation raises through Beacon UUC's Faithify campaign.

Lakeshore UU Fellowship banner

Chalice Lighters

We are also accepting donations to our Spring Chalice Lighter Call to help two of our congregations: Lakeshore UU Fellowship in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and the UU Congregation of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Lakeshore UU Fellowship’s grant will allow the purchase of a sound system upgrade and technology, and Eau Claire’s grant will help them add an Audio-Visual Technician and a Music Director to their staff, along with an increase in the hours for their Religious Exploration Coordinator.

Donate to the Spring Chalice Lighter Call.