2023 May
By Sharon Dittmar
May 2023
Dear Friends of MidAmerica:
The MidAmerica Region of the UUA provides congregational life services to 187 congregations and 10 covenanting communities in 13 states. Services include leadership development, faith formation, congregational connections, resources to dismantle systemic white supremacy culture, support during transition of religious professionals, stewardship information, conflict transformation assistance, and more. In the past year, money received from the Friends of MidAmerica Program funded (among many specific and general services):
- Extended Leadership Experience 200 for congregational lay leaders
- Part time ministry webinar for small and pastoral sized congregations
- Online National Large Church Staff Conference
- Creation of the “Sermon of the Month” series
- Canvass Clean-Up webinar to support congregational giving
- Work by the MidAmerica Board to clarify the Regional relationship with the UUA
Friends of MidAmerica donations come in the form of $10, $100, and $1,000 or more. To donate online, scroll down and select “Give to Friends of MidAmerica” from the options menu. Or make a check payable to “MidAmerica Region UUA,” write "Friends of MidAmerica" in the memo line and mail it to 2355 Fairview Ave. N. #312, Roseville, MN 55113.
To those of you who have already given, thank you! We appreciate your generosity!
Reverend Sharon K. Dittmar
MidAmerica Region Congregational Life Consultant
(513) 823-3535, sdittmar@uua.org
Friends of MidAmerica Region UUA Online Donation Form
On page 2, please also include your phone number and your Congregation's Full Name, City and State in the Comments field. (e.g. Second Unitarian Church of Chicago, IL)