Leader Convening: MidAmerica Pastoral Size Congregations

MidAmerica Region of the UUA Logo

These monthly gatherings are a chance for leaders from MidAmerica’s pastoral size congregations to gather together to ask questions, share resources, learn from each other, and grow in their leadership and ability. Hosted by Congregational Life staff QuianaDenae Perkins and Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley, these events will help you in your leadership in the congregation.

Meets monthly: September 3, October 1, December 3, January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, April 29, May 27. Note November is skipped intentionally. Registration is free, but required you only need to register once to attend all dates.

Register Today! Registration ends on Monday, May 26, 2025.

Copy the iCalendar (ICS) link address to subscribe to this event (or download the file to import it) in a program which supports the iCal format.