Agenda of the 2021 Annual Business Meeting
of the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Saturday, June 26, 2021
This meeting will be held virtually at 10:00 am Central, 11:00 am Eastern time. Delegates must be credentialed no later than 5:00 pm Central, 6:00 pm Eastern time on Friday, June 25, 2021. Information will be sent to congregations as to how to certify their delegates.
Please note that the following reports are included in the Annual Business Meeting Delegate Packet.
Delegate Packet (all documents - 1 PDF)
- 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Report from the MidAmerica Region President
- Report from the MidAmerica Regional Lead
- Report from MidAmerica Directors of the Midwest Unitarian Universalist Conference (MUUC)
- Report from the Camp UniStar Foundation (to follow)
- Report from the MidAmerica Region Nominating Committee
- MidAmerica Region FY2020 Financial Reports
Balance Sheet
P&L - MidAmerica Region FY2021 Financial Reports (through 12/31/2020)
Balance Sheet
P&L - MidAmerica Region FY2022 Budget (as approved by the MidAmerica Board)
- Call to Order and Opening Words
- Introduction to MidAmerica Region
- Credentials Report and Certification of a Quorum
- Approval of the Rules of Procedure
- Report of the Nominating Committee and Election of MidAmerica Trustees, MidAmerica Nominating Committee members, and Midwest UU Conference Directors
- Recognition of Those Completing Their Service to the MidAmerica Region this year
- Closing Words
- Adjournment