What Is Next
By Ian Evison
A big thanks to all of you who participated in the recent historic votes for regionalization in Heartland, Prairie Star, and Central MidWest Districts. I thank all of you who participated in these meetings, all who thoughtfully considered the issues, those of you who expressed a resounding "yes", and also those who expressed doubts and concerns. These were historic decisions. They prepare us to support your ministry in the next generation by creating structures to support you in achieving your missions in ways that are forward-looking, sustainable and technologically smart. We plan this summer to continue the amazing communication effort of the boards that led up to the vote with a series of emails to you like the ones you have been receiving. In the late summer or fall this effort will conclude and we will begin publishing a new, regional newsletter.
Some of you have been asking what is next.
The votes set in motion a sequencing of steps that needs to synthesize—somehow—legal care and deliberateness with the frenetic activity necessary to operate within the new structure July 1. For those of you going to the UUA General Assembly in Louisville, we look forward to celebrating with you at our regional in-gathering (Wednesday, June 19th, 5:45-6:45 PM, Convention Center Cascade B Room). We also encourage you to attend the plenary session on Saturday morning, June 22nd, when a motion will be considered to approve making regions an official part of the structure of our association—this is the final step needed to allow us to create a legal entity and have that entity recognized in the proper tax category.
Ian Evison
Congregational Life Consultant and Lead Staff Person for the MidAmerica Region of the UUA