Faith Curriculum Library: Curricula and Resources for Co-creating Lifespan Faith Engagement

Girl Scout Law 6: Respect Myself and Others Religion in Life for Junior & Cadette Girl Scouts

Part of Religion in Life for Junior & Cadette Girl Scouts

By Charlie Groth

In this section, we explore the Girl Scout Law: "I will do my best to respect myself and others."

6.1 Showing Respect

Colorful words: Grateful, Imaginative, Resourceful, Leaders, Successful


The Latin root of “respect” is “specere,” the verb meaning “to look.” How is looking and seeing related to respecting? In the United States, what are some of our customs for showing respect to other people?


Remember a time when someone showed you disrespect and a time when someone showed you respect. In each case, what did they do, what message did it send, and how did you feel?


Although it’s important to show respect for everyone, there are probably some people whose personal qualities especially inspire you to respect them. Choose someone whom you respect and explain why you admire that person. One creative way to do this is to write an acrostic poem. Write the person’s name in a column on the left hand side of the page, and write a word phrase about the person beginning with each letter in turn.

6.2 Respect and Our Ethical Codes


Re-read the Unitarian Universalist 7 Principles. Examine the Girl Scout Law again, too, by looking it up in your Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting or watching a video from the Girl Scouts of the USA website.


How does respect show up in the UU 7 Principles—even when the word “respect” isn’t used? How do the first 5 lines of the Girl Scout Law include the idea of respect, even when the word respect is not used?


Explain to another Unitarian Universalist of any age how respect is part of both the Unitarian Universalist 7 Principles and to the Girl Scout Law.

6.3 Self Respect


What does “self respect” mean? Everyone deserves respect, including you. Make a list of things about yourself that you respect. Now have someone who knows you well make a list of your qualities that person respects. Compare the two lists. Do you see yourself the same way others see you? Is there anything on the other person’s list that you didn’t realize was one of your admirable qualities?


How you can show respect for your body, your thoughts, and your feelings?


Write a list of things you can do to show respect for yourself or create a piece of artwork, a story, or a poem about respecting yourself. With your advisor or another adult, discuss the importance of forgiving yourself when you make mistakes.