Faith Curriculum Library: Curricula and Resources for Co-creating Lifespan Faith Engagement

Part Six: Wrapping It Up Religion in Life for Senior & Ambassador Girl Scouts

Part of Religion In Life for Cadette, Senior & Ambassador Girl Scouts

By Charlie Groth

W.1 Follow Up with Action

Look back over all you have learned and achieved in this program. Now take one aspect of this program one step further into action. For example, you could:

  • write a letter to the editor of your local paper about an issue that is important to you
  • visit a religious education class (any age, even adult!)
  • get involved in a social justice project or program
  • serve as a lay leader in a worship service
  • take part in a project to help girls and/or women
  • organize or help organize an interfaith event

W.2 Share Your Experience

Share with someone else in your congregation your experience with Religion in Life. This could be by informally talking, through a newsletter or website article, on a poster or slide show during coffee hour, or even by talking to the whole congregation as part of an awards ceremony.

Participant Survey

Please fill out a Religion in Life for Girl Scouts Participant Survey. The UUA’s Faith Development Office greatly appreciates any feedback on programs.


…on finishing this program—now celebrate your success! If you are to be formally presented with your award in your congregation, consider inviting some of your Girl Scout friends.

Religion in Life Pin

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