Resource Bibliography for Religion in Life for Boy Scouts
The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide
By Melissa Harris-Perry, Susan Frederick-Gray
The most complete introduction to Unitarian Universalism available, covering ministry, worship, religious education, social justice, community, and history. This revised edition prepares readers for this crucial moment in Unitarian Universalism.
The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide, fifth edition, edited by Peter Morales (Skinner House, 2012).
Religion and Spirituality
Bridging from Youth to Young Adulthood
Coming of Age Handbook for Congregations by Sarah Gibb Millspaugh (UUA, 2008)
Faithiest: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious by Chris Stedman (Beacon, 2013)
Fluent in Faith: A Unitarian Universalist Embrace of Religious Language by Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar (Skinner House Books, 2012)
Got God? by Miriam Reynaud, UU World, Spring 2011
Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals by John A. Buehrens (Beacon, 2004)
Pamphlets, including:
- UU Views of God
- UU Views of Jesus
- Science and Religion
- A Spiritual Home for LGBTQ People
- The Faith of Unitarian Universalist Christians (PDF)
- The Faith of Unitarian Universalist Jews (PDF)
- The Faith of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (PDF)
Find pamphlets at inSpirit UU Book and Gift Shop or read the text of each online.
Unitarian Universalist History
Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography
Missionaries, Builders, and Pathfinders: Unitarian Universalists from the Midwest, West, and South, 1830-1930 by Polly Peterson and Gail Forsyth-Vail (UUA, 2013)
Stirring the Nation's Heart: Eighteen Stories of Prophetic Unitarians and Universalists of the 19th Century by Polly Peterson (UUA, 2010)
World Religions
Ayat Jamilah: Beautiful Signs: A Treasury of Islamic Wisdom for Children and Parents, by Sarah Conover and Freda Crane (Skinner, 2010)
Buddhist Voices in Unitarian Universalism, edited by Sam Trumbore and Wayne B. Arnason (Skinner, 2013)
Building Bridges: A World Religions Program, a Tapestry of Faith program for youth
Harmony: A Treasury of Chinese wisdom for Children and Parents by Sarah Conover and Chen Hui (Skinner, 2010)
Kindness: A Treasury of Buddhist Wisdom for Children and Parents by Sarah Conover (Skinner, 2010)
Muhammad: The Story of a Prophet and a Reformer by Sarah Conover (Skinner, 2013)
Unitarian Universalist Values and BSA Values
My Two Moms: Lessons of Love, Strength, and What Makes a Family by Zach Wahls (Gotham, 2013)
The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide
By Melissa Harris-Perry, Susan Frederick-Gray
The most complete introduction to Unitarian Universalism available, covering ministry, worship, religious education, social justice, community, and history. This revised edition prepares readers for this crucial moment in Unitarian Universalism.