UU Scholars Fund
The Panel on Theological Education of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is receiving applications for grants up to $25,000 from Unitarian Universalist (UU) scholars who are committed to strengthening the UU movement through research and publication, excellence in teaching, and educational leadership.
Grants can be used for travel, research, or publication expenses, as well as basic living expenses during a sustained research period of up to one year. Though we are eager to support advanced doctoral students, this is not intended to cover tuition for study in programs that do not include tuition grants for students.
These grants are intended to support scholars with the potential to contribute to UU theological education through teaching at UU theological schools or other academic institutions, and/or through research related to Unitarian Universalism or to Unitarian Universalist values. Scholars at all career stages and institutional settings are welcome to apply, though we will give preference to emerging scholars, especially students pursuing Ph.D.s or comparable degrees in religion, theology, and cognate fields, and to applicants who feel called to contribute to the academic formation of future leaders for Unitarian Universalism. We will also give preference to proposals that directly support Unitarian Universalism’s anti-racist and counter-oppressive commitments. Grant recipients need not hold a traditional academic appointment.
All persons who receive a grant will be expected to submit a one page summary of the work accomplished within one year of the grant award.
To apply, submit the following:
- letter of inquiry;
- curriculum vitae with contact information and institutional affiliation;
- a research or dissertation proposal (750 words maximum);
- three letters of reference, including a letter from an individual familiar with the candidate's relationship with Unitarian Universalism and a letter from an individual familiar with the candidate’s research;
- a timeline for completion of the research and plan for publication;
- a research budget that includes all sources of funding aid (for doctoral students, this should include information on all scholarships and fellowships received since the beginning of the program).
Deadline for applications: Friday, March 14, 2025 by 5 p.m. Eastern.
Submit Applications
Please e-mail your application to mcodirector@uua.org.