Beyond the Partisan Divide
Unitarian Universalism is a border-crossing faith. We constantly revisit what it means to be open and welcoming to all who would find sustenance in our message and our communities. Our first Principle calls us to see the inherent worth and dignity in every person. Our fourth champions a free search for truth and meaning. Still, living in our two-party political system, we sometimes struggle to embody a welcome that stretches across partisan division.
This toolkit offers videos, exercises, and resources to use as a group in a one-day setting, as separate workshops over time, or individually on one's own. Beyond the Partisan Divide was first created as a workshop at the 2014 General Assembly by Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, Rev. Nancy McDonald-Ladd, and Paul Roche. This expanded toolkit includes:
- Facilitator guide to a 90-minute session (PDF) of introductory exercises and discussion
- Small Group Ministry Sessions (PDF)
- A collection of stories (Word) from anonymous Unitarian Universalists, with discussion questions, which can be shared in the 90-minute session, as readings in a worship service, or in a small group ministry session
- Call to Action (Word)—Ten Things to Do Right Now
- Religious Education Resources (Word) for children and youth
- A resource list (PDF) of sermons, articles, books, videos and worship elements
Recorded workshop with Discussion Questions for a 2-hour Session (PDF)