Preemptive Radical Inclusion

Part of Hospitality

By CB Beal

Preemptive Radical Inclusion, a framework used by Justice and Peace Consulting, is an adaptive set of perspectives and practices that people can use to increase justice and equity in their lives and organizations.

Preemptive Radical Incusion (PRI) is more than just a philosophical approach, it is an intervention, an activity, a process. PRI requires reflection and exploration, and it leads us to make decisions about what our next moves will be to involve everyone within those spaces where we have leadership responsibility.

How might this look in practice? Here is an example: What if we hosted church like we would host an Ice Cream Sundae Party?

About the Author

CB Beal

CB Beal, M. Div. (they/them) is a national consultant, a writer, storyteller, and itinerant religious educator. CB works with individuals and teams to explore equity and justice through the practice of Preemptive Radical Inclusion, lifelong sexuality and consent education, and safer communities.

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