Congregations As Employers

Icons showing resources connected by a colorful network.

Important Note: ​LeaderLab is a Learning Community! We welcome your feedback on the evolving resources (use the email address at the bottom of the pages.) We especially appreciate feedback on how we can improve resources as part of our commitment to dismantling white supremacy.

word "LeaderLab" on a blue background

Interactive Resources for Lay Leaders, Religious Professionals in Congregations & Covenanted Communities

We're Here to Help You Be Good Employers!

Check out our Knowledge Base for short and searchable answers to your most common questions.

Whether your congregation employs a single part-time staff member or a large and specialized workforce, you’ll want to provide them with the resources, development, and support they need in order to serve you well and to advance your congregation’s mission and vision. We are here to help!

Meet the Members of the Office of Church Staff Finances

The UUA wants to help our congregations live into their values by offering insurance plans that protect their employees, including benefit plans that reflect UU values. Our benefits are competitive, and the plans have always done their best to live up to our UU values, offering fuller coverage for people of all identities and for families of all shapes and sizes.

More About UUA Benefit Plans

Hire, support, and transition your staff confidently with the assistance of this evolving collection of resources and templates including our Starting to Parting e-booklet and templates for job descriptions and employment agreements.

More on Hiring Staff