May Religious Education Professional Meet-ups

Event format: Online

Date & time:

  • Passed: Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT

Type of event: Webinar


Chalice Multicultural

We are inviting religious education professionals, from across the continent, to virtually join members of the UUA’s Faith Development Co-Lab on Tuesday, May 9th from 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. EST.
The meet and eat gathering for religious educators will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with other DRE’s.

Our connection theme will be Article II. Joy Berry, the UUA’s Children and Families Faith Development Specialist, will be sharing about developments with Article II, and will be joined by Faith Development Co-Lab members, Lenore Bajare-Dukes, Eric Bliss and Nancy Combs-Morgan. Our goal is not to "fill you up" with information, but, more so to have time for the attendees to share their thoughts about Article II, and especially what they have been asked to do in reference to the process. There will be some processing time after the breakouts, and then with a closing that contains more references to Article II content and resources.

The last date to register for this event is Monday, May 8, 2023.

Register on Wufoo Now!

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