Getting Started: Resources for Multisite Congregations
Part of Congregational Life Cycles
Below are some recommended articles, videos, and blog posts for people interested in exploring multisite ministry.
Multisite UU Facebook Page is not only a wonderful forum for lively discussions and sharing of resources, but it’s where announcements of updates to this website are announced. So sign up for Multisite Unitarian Universalist (UU) to stay up to date!
Learning Communities
Innovative Learning Circles are 9-session, virtual learning communities of innovative leaders exploring the challenges and blessings of multisite ministries. At the moment we have 27 leaders from 21 congregations participating in one of four circles. If you would like to be considered for a future Innovative Learning Circle, please contact Tandi Rogers,
How We Do Church Now—Blog for Houston UU multisite
- The Power of Collaboration
- Getting Started With the Merger Model
- Multisite Merger as a Growth Strategy, Part 1 of 3
- Resistance to Simplification
Growing Unitarian Universalism Blog Posts
- Growing Unitarian Universalism Blog
- The Gift of MultiSite! by Rev. Scott Tayler gives an enthusiastic, grateful explanation of the context and Unitarian Univesalist (UU) theological grounding of Multisite Ministries.
- MultiSite Ministries: Setting the Table of Context by Karen Bellavance Grace, gives a fun and concise overview of this website.
Funding The Dream
- Faithify A crowdfunding site where passionate people follow, share, and fund Unitarian Universalist ministries.
- UU Funding Program (UUFP) A denominational grantmaking program of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- Megachurches reaching Akron-area unchurched by planting smaller campuses
- Crunch Time in Smaller Congregations by Alice Mann "The most important advice I can offer you as a leader is this: Stop and look at all the options—no matter how far-fetched or unpalatable some of them may seem. You may still proceed with your first idea, but you will be much clearer about why you are doing it and what it will take to make that option work well."
- The Multisite Congregation Option in San Diego (General Assembly 2009 Event)
- Midwifing Multisite—Scott Tayler and Mark Bernstein (YouTube) Video of Workshop on Differing Models of Multisite in UU Congregations. (1 hour 10 min)
- Multi-Site Congregations (YouTube) Guest Presenter: Rev. Christine Robinson, Senior Minister at First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, New Mexico November 16, 2009 (1 hour 48 min) Notes from the webinar.
- Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work, by Jim Tomberlin and Warren Bird
- Sample Chapter from “Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work” by Jim Tomberlin and Warren Bird
- The Multi-Site Church Revolution: Being One Church in Many Locations by Greg Ligon & Geoff Surratt
- UUA MultiSite Ministries Vision your UUA Multisite Ministries Team vision that guides this exciting work
- Covenant (PDF), re-written by Rev. Sue Phillips, Regional Lead of New England