International Unitarian Universalism: Torda 450: Celebrating the Anniversary of Religious Tolerance

Chalice Lighting Readings

Chalice lighting written by Francis David, founder of the Hungarian Unitarian Church

Chalice Lighting

Chalice lighting words from Francis David, founder of the Hungarian Unitarian Church in the sixteenth century.

Chalice Lighting Readings​​

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists's archive of monthly Global Chalice Lighting Readings is an excellent resource for Torda450 Worship Services. Additional suggestions are below:

  • From Rev. Sara Ascher
    • May the light from this flame be a beacon of our faith, in the days that grow dark and dreary. May the light from this flame be warmth to our spirits, during nights of restless searching. May the light from this flame be a celebration of the truth, meaning and joy we find within these walls and in our dreams.
    • The light that we now kindle is a reminder of those who gave their lives for the freedom we cherish. May we never allow the light to falter, not in our chalice, nor in our hearts.
  • From Rev. Eric Cherry
The chalice is lit in our hearts each time that we
pray for vision
long for healing,
forgive our enemies,
comfort our neighbors,
and prepare for justice’s day.
In its light, our hope and compassion are renewed and
the covenantal ties that bind each to all become clear.
Now, by its sacred flame, the path before us is brightened:
Love prepares our way,
Harmony is in view,
there is no East or West,
no South or North.
Only a world to greet, and bless
with more Light still.
  • Author Unknown
    • Our different paths come together in this Holy place. Graced by the history of our free religious heritage. Let us be mindful of the forces deep within which call us to become more than we are. May this hour bring rest and renewal, comfort and challenge. May we be reminded here of our highest aspirations, and inspired to bring our gifts of love and service to the altar of humanity. May we know once again that we are not isolated beings, but that we are connected – in mystery and in wonder to each other, to this community and to the universe.