Hiroshima Children's Drawings

Shortly after the bombing in Hiroshima, Rev. A. Powell Davies of the All Souls Church, Unitarian in Washington, DC, gave a famous sermon called Lest the Living Forget. In it, he encourages the congregation to give supplies to the victims of the bomb. After sending school supplies to the Honkawa school in Hiroshima, the church received several hand drawn pictures by the children of the city. Distinct from other images depicting the events of Hiroshima, these images are hopeful, inviting children of all ages to envision a different future of peace, reconciliation and open dialogue.

This gallery features some of those drawings.

Your congregation can organize a film screening of a powerful documentary about the Hiroshima Children's Drawings called Pictures From a Hiroshima SchoolyardView the trailer (YouTube). Additionally, greeting cards featuring the Hiroshima Children's Drawings are available for purchase through inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop.