A Personal View on Disarmament
By Joanne Dufour
The following was graciously submitted by Georgina Long, the Interfaith Coordinator for the Brahma Kumaris UK, whom I had the pleasure of meeting at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Toronto, Canada in November.

"Quilt of Belonging" on display at the 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions
An elderly, charming lady approached me on the Brahma Kumaris stand at the World Parliament of Religions in Toronto, Canada and said she was looking for persons from different religions to contribute to a blog. I believe the word used is to “post” a blog.
The subject was Disarmament.
Firstly being an elderly lady myself with no experience of blogs I rather demurred.
However the subject “disarmament” kept coming into my thoughts with what was our organisational stance on such a matter? and what was my personal view?
So a few thoughts …
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University are totally against any form of violence and the regular student works internally to produce a peaceful mind with a harmonious attitude. There is a deep understanding that it is peaceless thoughts which create real disharmony whether it is in the family, the workplace, or the country I live in. This all ripples out; being peaceless is infectious!
If I can disarm myself from anger and fear I can create a positive and peaceful environment. So, for the Brahma Kumaris, disarmament starts from within. There is no financial cost to this inner work! A building of a fully balanced creative, loving human being at one with the world around him or her is more potent than any weapon. No gun is needed to protect the self or others.
Our world cries out for peace and harmony; for rest and safety and deep within us we know that violence is never the answer. Each one of us has the key to open the door to a society free from fear.
A 72 year old grandmother, student, teacher, and meditator says to you Come! Take up the baton! Come off the battlefield, go within and find that peace, love and bliss that is your original state of being!. We can then disarm the Planet!!