Getting Started as a UU@UN Envoy

Introduce the UU@UN to Your Congregation

Meet with your minister, president, or members of the congregation's board. Explain your new role as an Envoy for the congregation and how you might work together to accomplish your and their goals. Announce your new position and explain the new (or continued) UU@UN connection in your congregational newsletter or bulletin.

Build an Envoy Team

Have a conversation with congregational leaders and see if they have ideas on who might be interested in working with you on international UU connections and justice action. Talk with people during coffee hour about the UU Office at the UN. If they sound interested, ask if they would like to help you plan an event coming up (maybe your UN Sunday service, a film screening, or a discussion session). While working together on that event, talk with them about the role of Envoys in the congregation and see if they would like to join your team.

You may want to use this sample text to put an announcement in your church newsletter:

Want to help strengthen [your congregation]'s voice at the United Nations? By becoming an Envoy for the UU Office​ at the United Nations (UU@UN) you can do just that! Since the UU@UN was founded in 1962, Envoys have ben working to ensure that their congregations' voices are represented at the UN. Today, the UU@UN makes a difference on the global stage by addressing global racial injustice, climate change, violence and discrimination based on real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity, supporting school fees for over 100 AIDS orphans and vulnerable children in Ghana, and more! It is important for the office to represent all the diverse voices of our faith. Join [your name] as a member of [your congregation]'s Envoy Team! Envoys can be age 14 and up. Read about the UU@UN programs and what the Envoy position entails or contact [your email] or the UU@UN at

Multigenerational Envoy Teams

In order to reach more of the congregation and ensure sustainability, see if you can recruit Youth Envoys and adults to join your team.

Speak with the Director or Religious Education at your congregation about setting up a time for you to speak with the congregation's youth group about the Envoy program. Share videos about the UU@UN and other materials (see Envoy Resources page for some suggestions) with the high-school aged youth and see if any of them would like to join your team as Youth Envoys!

Set Yearly and Monthly Goals

Review the Timeline for Envoys and make plans for what you hope to accomplish over the course of the year. Keep up to date by reading each month's Envoy News which is sent by email.

Assign roles to each team member (maybe rotate every couple of months to mix up the tasks!) and meet regularly to discuss goals and upcoming to-dos.

The flags of the United Nations and the Unitarian Universalist Association

UUs at the UN

Unitarian Universalists have been key players at the United Nations since its founding in 1945. Read more about UU@UN history and keep this connection strong as a UU@UN Envoy for your congregation.