Programs & Partners
Beyond the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), there are Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists around the world who are active in international social justice efforts. Learn more about some of our partner programs and organizations and how they support our goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.
Unitarian Universalist-led organizations working for justice globally
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
UUSC is a nonsectarian human rights organization powered by grassroots collaboration. They work anywhere rights are threatened – by natural disasters, armed conflicts, genocide, forced migration, and systematic injustice. UUSC began its work in 1939 when Rev. Waitstill and Martha Sharp took the extraordinary risk of traveling to Europe to help refugees escape Nazi persecution. For over 75 years, their innovative approach and measurable contributions have been grounded in the moral belief that all people have inherent power, dignity, and rights - International Bridges to Justice (IBJ)
Founded and led by Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Karen Tse, International Bridges to Justice is dedicated to protecting the basic legal rights of individuals in developing countries. Specifically, IBJ works to guarantee all citizens the right to competent legal representation, the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to a fair trial.
Interfaith partner organizations working for justice globally
- Religions for Peace (RPF)
RPF advances common action among the world's religious communities for peace. Through RPF, diverse religious communities discern "deeply held and widely shared" moral concerns, such as transforming violent conflict, promoting just and harmonious societies, advancing human development and protecting the earth. RPF translates these shared moral concerns into concrete multi-religious action. The UUA also works closely with the US arm of RPF: Religions for Peace USA. - International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF)
IARF, the world's first international inter-religious organization is a UK-based charity working for freedom of religion and belief at a global level. IARF has a century-plus history of encouraging tolerance and interfaith encounter through dialog and social justice projects.
Unitarian/Universalist global justice organizations
Learn more about justice programs led by Unitarian/Universalist congregations and organizations around the world:
- USC Canada
Having started out in 1945 as the Unitarian Service Committee, USC Canada promotes vibrant farms, strong rural communities, and healthy ecosystems around the world. With engaged Canadians and partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, they support programs, training, and policies that strengthen biodiversity, food sovereignty, and the rights of those at the heart of resilient food systems: women, indigenous peoples, and small-scale farmers.
- Providence Charity Organization
The Providence Charity Organization was founded by the Hungarian Unitarian Church in 2007 with the mission of fulfilling the vocation of the Unitarian Church by serving people and communities in need without discrimination. Programs include support for people living under the poverty threshold, people with disabilities, socially disadvantaged children, and much more. Visit their Hungarian website or view the English brochure.
- Annie Margaret Barr Children's Village (AMBCV)
The AMBCV is an orphanage under the Unitarian Union of North East India. It was founded in 2009 with the help of the UU Partner Church Council USA and the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in the UK.
- American-Nepali Students' and Women's Educational Relief (ANSWER-Nepal)
ANSWER-Nepal was founded in 2001 by Earle Canfield - a member of the Church of the Larger Fellowship. ANSWER is a nonprofit, non-partisan, non-religious organization that believes in empowering low caste children by introducing them to quality education. Education for ANSWER does not mean literacy nor basic education, but 12-15 years of education through college with careful academic and career counseling. Its mission is to educate children from the lowest castes and provide them with real lifelong careers so that they will become the vanguard for real change in Nepal. They will be the ones pushing for universal compulsory education and government scholarships, etc. Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout the United States are participating in ANSWER's programs by sponsoring students. Additional information on the UUA International Blog.