The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines's (UUCP's) Learning Center was inaugurated on December 18th, 2012. Now completed, the facility will serve as an educational center for pre-school children in a remote village in Canlaon City. Construction of the building was made possible by a grant from the Fund for International Unitarian Universalism, as well as support from the UU Funding Program and individual donors.
In partnership with the UUCP, the Bayanihan Program of the Armed Forces of the Philippines's 11th Infantry Engineering Brigade constructed the school in approximately three months. During this time, the partnership has developed a peaceful relationship between the village residents, the UUCP, and the local military, fostering a spirit of love and trust in the area.
Military leaders, city, and village officials were invited to, and attended, the inauguration event, which featured a Christmas King & Queen Contest and a fundraising activity conducted by the school's leaders. Approximately 10,000.00 ($250) was raised from this event which will be used towards finishing the school's perimeter fencing.
The UUCP is thrilled to finally have a learning center that provides quality education to the pre-school children near Canlaon City. With the school facilities finally in operation, children that would normally be sent to work in village farms will instead be headed to the classroom.
Congratulations to the UUCP for this wonderful investment in child education and deep gratitude to those that supported the project's successful completion!