Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard
By Global Connections & Emerging Communities
"In 1996, a box was uncovered at the home of a parishioner of All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington D.C. In that box were nearly 50 colorful drawings made by children as thanks for gifts received from the church fifty years earlier.
Not many people in the church knew the story behind these pictures, they only knew they were made by school children in Japan after World War II."
You may remember an April 2009 blogpost about the Hiroshima Children's Drawings that All Souls Church in Washington DC had recently restored. These incredible works of art - which are part of an equally incredible story - were also on display at General Assembly last summer.
A film about the Drawings and their story is now in production, and a website about the film - Pictures from a Hiroshima Schooyard - has recently been updated. Have a look, and enjoy the film's promo: