International Unitarian Universalism

Pastoral Message on Coronavirus from the U/U International Joint Working Group

Logos of the U/U International Joint Working Group: ICUU, UUPCC, and UUA International Office

Logos of the Unitarian/Universalist International Joint Working Group

Dear Friends,

As this health crisis reaches all corners of our global family of faith, we the representatives of the International Unitarian/Universalist Joint Working Group wish to offer our heartfelt prayers, thoughts, and blessings to you and your communities. We know this is a difficult and troubling time and that each of you is striving to serve your people as well as you are able given the social distancing restrictions and the economic struggles facing so many of us.

Our international U/U community is used to having to reach across boundaries of country and culture to connect to one another to encourage and support one another. Yet in this unprecedented time of closed borders and uncertainty, our ability to cross the physical divisions between us through all electronic means available to us is more crucial than ever. Our diverse faith, strong and united, offers us the reminder that we are better and more resilient together and that as our African communities teach through the wisdom of Ubuntu, I am because we are.

So we ask that if you have best practices or ideas that have worked well for your community as well as words of wisdom, comfort, prayer you wish to share with your global siblings in faith, please share them so that we may hold each other with hope, with compassion, with love.

Blessings to all who are finding ways to remain hopeful.

Rev. Sara Ascher, Executive Director ICUU
Rev. Roger Bertschausen, Executive Director UUPCC
Rev. Alicia Forde, Director UUA International Office

About the Authors

Sara Ascher

Rev. Sara Ascher has been a Unitarian Universalist her entire life. After graduating from Andover Newton Theological School in 2000 with a Masters of Divinity she spent the next 16 years serving Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States....

Alicia R. Forde

The Reverend Alicia Roxanne Forde serves with the Unitarian Universalist Association as the New UU Communities Fund Director. She is a graduate of The Iliff School of Theology and currently lives in Longmont, Colorado. Alicia was born and spent her formative years in Trinidad and Tobago. She...


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