ICUU Conference and Council Meeting 2016
By Global Connections & Emerging Communities

Klaas van Egmond
Event Summary
ICUU Conference and Council Meeting 2016 - Register Online Today!When
Sunday, July 17, 2016 - 3:00pm to Saturday, July 23, 2016 - 3:00pmWhere
Be part of the 2016 ICUU Council Meeting and Conference from 17 to 22 July at the beautiful and socially responsible conference center – Mennorode - in Elspeet, the Netherlands, easily reachable from Amsterdam. Mennorode conference centre is focused around environmental sustainability featuring:- Use of energy from thermal power and solar panels
- Collection of rainwater for flushing the toilets
- Sustainable services and materials: FSC wood, environmentally friendly cleaning, fair-trade products
- Meals include up to 65% organic products and offer a range of regional and seasonal products derived from local suppliers.
Program Details
Cost: Council Meeting and Conference Packages - Register Online
Participants can attend both the Council Meeting and conference or arrive a day later and just attend the Conference. Those who only attend the Conference will miss the opportunity to take part in determining the future direction and development of ICUU. Most of the Council Meeting will be devoted to “Essex 2.0” a large group facilitated process in which non-council members can also participate. For participants taking part in both gatherings, the first event is dinner on Sunday and for participants in the Conference only, the Conference begins with Chalice Circles on the Monday afternoon. Departures after breakfast on Friday July 22, except for those attending the Ministers Conference who depart after breakfast on Sunday July 24. All pricing and payments are in € only. Dollar prices listed as guide. Event Early Bird Price Normal Price (until March 31) (1 April to 1 June) Conference & CM (5 days) €425 (approx. $456) €550 Conference only €340 (approx. $365) €465 Ministers Meeting Supplement €180 (approx. $193) €250 Late Registrations after 1 June subject to availability and €100 supplement Note: 1/2 payment as deposit with registration for early bird, final 1/2 due by May 15. Full payment due on registration with normal rate.Theme
The theme of the Council Meeting will be “Essex 2.0”: twenty-one years on from its founding, how does ICUU need to change or stay the same to respond effectively to the global Unitarian and Unitarian Universalist community of the century ahead. The theme of the Conference is “WINDS OF CHANGE: Global Connection and Climate Change”: What should be our faithful response to the threatened physical environment we know as our home.? What spiritual responsibilities do we have to each other as part of our interdependent web of all existence? Does religion have a special role to play in rebuilding our Blue Boat Home?Keynote Speaker
Klaas van Egmond is Professor of Sustainability and Environment at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Previously, he was Director of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment and of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. He completed several studies on all aspects of environment and sustainability for the Dutch government, the EU and the UN. Van Egmond has written and spoken extensively on “sustainable civilization” including a book by that title published in 2014. Egmond contends “the solely technological approach taken…apparently has not solved the problem. The real roots of the sustainability crisis can be found in human value orientations and subsequently so must the real solutions. Understanding human values and needs as well as the underlying Understanding human values and needs as well as the underlying world views allows the formulation of a new, sustainability oriented ethical framework, the re-definition of human dignity and a practical agenda for sustainability policies.” He is an active member of the Vrijzinnigen Nederland congregation in Bilthoven. His talk will particularly on the role of religion in sustainable civilization and he will consider the particular contribution liberal and progress religion can offer to this shift in worldviews. Professor Klaas van Egmond presentations (in English): Several other speakers will respond to the keynote speakers, followed by group discussions leading to an action plan for personal and collective involvement.Other Contributors
A number of other notable will contribute to the Large Group Process at the Council Meeting, the Theme Presentations, Workshops, Learning Day and other aspects of the program. Already confirmed to appear include Martin Gilbraith (Facilitator for the Large Group Process), Melody Moberg (Coordinator of the Young Adults Program), the Rev. Paul Rasor (Theologian) and the Rev. Wies Houweling (General Secretary of Vrijzinnigen Nederland). [gallery type="square" columns="4" link="none" ids="7994,7993,7992,7991"]Language
The language for presentations and main sessions will be in English but attendees will speak to each other in a variety of tongues. Participants are particularly encouraged to have a go at the local language Nederlands – also known as Dutch. A free three-week online Course in the Dutch language starts on 15 February. Sign up today!Climate Neutral
This Council Meeting and Conference is intended to be a climate neutral event (aside from travel) as much as possible. €1 per participant per day will go to the Climate Neutral Group to offset impact. As part of this effort and in request to comments from the last Council Meeting, no souvenirs or blag such as a bag will be produced. Participants are encouraged to bring their own bag. We will also seek to minimize the production and distribution of paper items and encourage recycling. Any suggestions in this direction would be welcomed.Chalice Circles
An opportunity to meet daily with a small group of participants from other countries, getting to know each other, focusing on elements of faith and spirituality. Lifelong friendships and connections are often formed in Chalice Circles.Worship
Each day begins with a communal act of worship led by participants from other countries -- an opportunity to experience spiritual practice of other cultures. Worship also features in the Opening and Closing Ceremony.Workshops & Other Meetings
A variety of theme-related workshops and other special meetings will be available during the times indicated on the schedule. ICUU Member groups can submit workshop proposals. Learning Day A new feature will be the opportunity to take one or two short training courses at the conference. Expected offerings at this Conference will include:- Lay Chaplaincy Training from Canada: Conducting Rites of Passage
- New Developments in Liberal and Progressive Theology
- Creative Approaches to Making Congregations Work for Leaders and Followers
Opportunity to Visit Vrijzinnigen Congregations and Tours
There will be an opportunity to visit a local Vrijzinnigen congregation on Sunday afternoon 17 July for those arriving in time. Indicate your interest when registering and more information will be sent to you. There will also be two post-conference one day tours available visiting towns one day and nature another day. More information will be sent to those expressing an interest when registering. International Ministers Meeting An add-on meeting for Unitarian and Universalist Ministers will be held on Friday 22 July and Saturday 23 July. Participation is limited to persons recognized as ministers by ICUU Member and Emerging Groups and regarded as such by the ICUU staff and Executive Committee. Note: This is not a gathering of congregational leaders or a training program. It is instead a meeting of people in the ICUU community who have credentials as minister and have expressed a need to meet together with other people who hold the same credentials. It is therefore not open to laypersons, ministry students or applicants. Theme is to be “Changing Ministry in Changing World” focusing on changes in nature of congregations and ministerial employment and conditions. The meeting will include considerable opportunity for networking with other ministers alongside speakers and workshops. More details will be circulated to those who register. Ministerial colleagues from Canada, England, India, Romania, Hungary, Burundi, Uganda, the USA, and more are already planning to be there. To register, select the appropriate additional option when registering for the ICUU Conference and Council Meeting.Young Adults Program
Young adults (ages 21-35) are especially encouraged to attend the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference. In addition to participating in the general programming, young adults are provided an enriching program throughout the week, including leadership building, workshops, and social time. Special funding for young adults for part or all of the cost, especially for those attending outside of Western Europe and North America. To be eligible for these funds, young adults will need to fill out a separate request in addition to Council Meeting and Conference online registration. Contact Melody Moberg ( for more information.Early Arrivals & Later Departures
If you wish to arrive prior to Sunday 17 July or stay later than Friday 22 July (except for attending the Ministers Conference, you can extend your stay by booking directly with the Mennorode Conference Centre through here.Registration
Be sure to register before the end of March to receive the early bird rate saving more than €100 and to reserve your place with a 50% deposit (remaining payment is due no later than 15 May). From April 1 full fees are due upon registration. No fooling. Register Online Today! IMPORTANT: Please purchase travel insurance to cover cancelations as once reservations are made, payments cannot be refunded.Sponsorships
A limited number of eligible participants from member groups and emerging groups will receive sponsorships covering all or part of international travel and on-site costs for the Council Meeting and Conference. Details and an application form are available from the ICUU website or by email request to The closing date for applications is March 1. If you are considering applying for sponsorship, please do not register online at this time.Grants to Attend Conference & Council Meeting 2016
ICUU sets aside funds to provide grants to enable representatives of full member groups, provisional member groups and emerging groups to attend and participate in ICUU meetings and conferences. In the interests of open access and transparency, grants to attend the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference to be held July 2016 in the Netherlands will be determined via an application process. To be considered for such a grant, a completed application form must be returned to the Executive Director by email and arrive no later than 15 March 2016. Copies of this document and of the application Form are available at these links:- ICUU Grants to Attend ICUU Council Meeting 2016
- Application Form for Sponsored Participants
Applicants must be members in good standing of a member group that is up to date in dues payments to ICUU or is a recognized emerging group. Each applicant must be approved by the governing body of the member group and no more than two such recommendations will be considered from any member group. Subsidies are available only to people who cannot otherwise afford to attend from personal or group resources. Applicants and the member or emerging group agrees to provide on request any financial or other information that ICUU may need to consider applications.Criteria
The following factors will be among those considered in making grants: Priority is given to delegates and to persons who have not been funded to attend an ICUU event within the last three years. The status and development of the group and the applicantSelection
The applications will be considered by the ICUU staff and the proposed grants will be reviewed and approved by the ICUU Executive Committee. ICUU is unlikely to be able to provide grants to applications from all groups that apply and receipt by ICUU of an application should not be regarded as a commitment or promise to provide a grant. Depending on circumstance, grants may be for all costs or for some portion. Grants may be available for only one participant per country.Grants
Those whose are subsidized in part or in whole to attend the meeting are expected to arrange for and fund their own visas, if required, and to fund domestic transportation in their own country to the international airport, except in exceptional circumstances. ICUU will arrange an international return air ticket to the site of the conference and cover the on-site conference costs for the participant up to the level of the grant.Special Provision for Young Adults
There is an additional special provision for funding Young Adults (21-35) for a grant which requires a separate application. All Young Adults should also apply for funding from that source. For more information, please contact Melody Moberg Young Adult Grants for ICUU Conference & Council Meeting 2016
The UU Partner Church Council has set aside funds to provide assist young adult participants (ages 21 – 35) to attend the International Council of Unitarians & Universalists Conference and Council meeting in July 2016. It is our hope that these funds will make it possible for young adults to join in the important international work of our shared faith. In the interests of open access and transparency, grants to attend the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference to be held July 2016 in the Netherlands will be determined via an application process. To be considered for such a grant, a completed application form must be returned to ICUU Young Adult Program leaders by email and to arrive no later than 15 March 2016. Download Grant Application (PDF) Eligibility Each applicant must be approved by the governing body of their national or regional organization and no more than two such recommendations will be considered from any country. For Canadian and US applicants who function under Congregational Polity you must submit a letter of recommendation from the minister or governing body of a congregation. Subsidies are given only to people who cannot otherwise afford to attend and an applicant agrees to provide on request any financial or other information that UU Partner Church Youth & Young Adult Initiative Team may need to consider applications. Criteria The following factors will be among those considered in making grants: - Priority is given to delegates and to persons who have not been funded to attend an ICUU event within the last three years - Priority will be given to young adults who wish to or are developing leadership skills within their faith U/U communities. - All grant recipients agree to participate fully in the Conference/Council meeting and the Young Adult Program. Selection The applications will be considered by the UU Partner Church Youth & Young Adult Initiative Team. We may not be able to provide grants to applications from all that apply and receipt by UU Partner Church Youth & Young Adult Initiative Team of an application should not be regarded as a commitment or promise to provide a grant. Grants may initially be available for only one participant per country. Grants Those whose are subsidised to attend the meeting are expected to arrange for and fund their own visas, if required, and to fund domestic transportation in their own country to the international airport, except in exceptional circumstances. ICUU will provide an international return air ticket to the site of the conference and cover the on-site conference costs for the participant up to the amount of the grant for travel and conference costs. Grants to include coverage of the following: Travel Expenses Philippines/India/Africa Participants 10 total $900 each European and E. European Participants 10 total $100 each US and Canada Participants 10 total $300 each Young Adult Conference Costs: Philippines/India/Africa Participants 10 total $400 each European and E. European Participants 10 total $200 each US and Canada Participants 10 total $100 eachICUU 2016 Conference Workshop Proposals Invited
ICUU invites proposals for workshops to be included in the program of the ICUU Conference in Elspeet, The Netherlands from July 17 to 21, 2016. The workshops are planned for Wednesday July 20, 2016 and will be an hour in length. There will be two afternoon slots and two evening slots, giving each participant an opportunity to attend up to four workshops or focus meetings. Workshops related to the theme of the Council Meeting and/or the Conference are encouraged and further details of the themes are below. It is not required that all workshops relate to one of the themes, but preference may be given to proposals that do connect to one of the themes. The Conference organizers will advise applicants if their proposal has been accepted as soon as possible after the closing date for applications. Submission of a proposal is no guarantee or promise of selection. There is no honorarium or discount for workshop leaders and they will need to be registered participants at the Conference. Preference for inclusion will be given to ICUU Member and Emerging Groups and to other organizations formally connected with ICUU. All proposals for workshops need to be sponsored by an ICUU member group, recognized emerging group or other organization with a relationship to ICUU and not from an individual. Please ensure sponsorship before submitting a proposal. Proposals should be sent to to be received no later than April 1, 2016. Proposals must include:- Title and Subject of Workshop
- Name and Contact Details of Workshop Presenter(s)
- background and Relevant Experience/Expertise of Workshop Presenter(s)
- Name and Contact Details of Sponsoring Organization
- Description of Workshop (detail is helpful)
- Statement as to how Workshop Relates to Conference Theme
- Special Considerations – such as is audio-visual equipment needed, minimum or maximum number of people, room needs, etc.