IARF World Congress: Challenges for Religious Freedom in the Digital Age
By Eric Cherry
Registration is open for the IARF 34th WORLD CONGRESS which will be held from 24-27 August, 2014 at Birmingham University, Birmingham, UK .
The keynote speaker is Karen Armstrong, leader in the creation of THE CHARTER FOR COMPASSION. Small group sessions and outings will complement speakers such as His Grace, Bishop Angaelos, Coptic Church of the UK, Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman, IARF Bahrain, and Dr. Yehuda Stolov, Coordinator of 50 Interfaith Encounter Groups in the Holy Land: www.interfaith-encounter.org. See additional program details.
114 years ago the IARF began as a family of Unitarians and like-minded liberals. As the 20th Century progressed, it provided the base for the creation of Religions for Peace, the UU Partner Church Council, and the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists. In 2014, with over 50 member groups in 27 countries, IARF witnesses for human rights in local communities, nations and at the United Nations. We salute International Association of Liberal Religious Women (IALRW) President Professor Kathy Matsui, IARF President Most Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, keynote speaker Dr. Karen Armstrong & conference chair Sheikh M. Amin-Evans as we meet in Birmingham, England, the historic home of leading Unitarians including Rev. Joseph Priestley and Joseph Chamberlain, founder of the University of Birmingham. Pre-Congress Option: From 20-23 August join the IALRW at Jury’s Inn Hotel, Birmingham with Dr. Kathy Matsui, Barbara Beach, and Rev. Kinga-Reka Szekely for songs and excursions including Coventry Cathedral WWW.IALRW.ORG. Post-Congress Option: From 27-31 August, IARF Peacemaking Co-Chair Rev. Chris Hudson, MBE, will lead Peacemaking Training in Belfast and Larne, Northern Ireland. (contact Rev. Richard Boeke for more details).