International Unitarian Universalism

Interfaith Partners to Host "Global Prayers for Ukraine” in Special Multi-Faith Service for Peace and Freedom at the UN

Photo of the sun shining through the Ukrainian flag, with text reading "Global Prayers for Ukraine: a multi-faith service for peace and freedom in a hurting world" "Join us in person at the United Nations Church Center Chapel 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017. Stream live via Zoom, Facebook, & YouTube Thursday, March 3, 2022 12:00 noon ET. Co-sponsored by Parliament of the World's Religions, Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations in partnership with multifaith partners"

People of faith across the world have condemned the escalation of violence from Russia and have declared steadfast support for Ukraine and its people in the defense of their sovereignty and their democracy.

The Parliament of the World's Religions and The Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN, in partnership with communities of faith, invite people and communities of faith, spirituality, and conscience to join the "Global Prayers for Ukraine: a multi-faith service for peace and freedom in a hurting world".

The prayer service will feature prayers from diverse faith expressions upholding peace and freedom, share reflections of solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian community around the world, call for a peaceful resolution to this conflict, and listen to messages from our sisters and brothers in Ukraine.

The interfaith service will be hosted on Thursday, March 3 at 12 noon Eastern Time at the United Nations Church Center Chapel, open to the New York City community in-person and live streamed to participants around the world via Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube.

This event is organized in partnership with:

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