Armed group attacks Burundi Unitarian Church
By Eric Cherry
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists shared very disturbing news from the Unitarian Church in Bujumbura, Burundi earlier today. Please see the message from their minister, Rev. Fulgence Ndagijimana below. Rev. Fulgence has said that financial support is not needed at this time. If that changes, or other tangible ways to provide support become evident, we will share that as well.
This morning at 2h30, a heavily armed group (approximately 10 people) attacked the Unitarian church of Bujumbura. It is not yet determined whether it is an attack on our faith or a robbery; 2 grenades were detonated in our garden and many bullets were shot in different directions.
To get inside the property, they climbed the gate as the rest of the wall is covered with wires. Our neighbors were as frightened as well as the 2 young men who were on the premises at the time. Luckily, no life was lost.
In terms of property, one of the offices was savaged, papers were scattered including check books and a sizeable amount of money was stolen. The minister’s office received one bullet without much damage.
This morning I filed a report to the local police and an investigation will be started. It is good to have some expectations from those investigations but not too high.
It looks like, according to the first elements we are gathering, it is mostly a robbery, and the office that was broken into was the accountant’s office. Other doors were shot at but not as bad.
Nepo and Jean who live who live at the church are shaken up by these events.
We are glad no one was injured but we realize once more that we live in a violent world. It doesn’t matter whether you are asleep at 2h30, a bullet can get you there!
With thanks for your prayers and loving kindness.
Rev. Fulgence Ndagijamana, Minister
Unitarian Church of Burundi