Annual Program Fund Report, General Assembly 2018

UUA General Assembly Off-site Participation: Kansas City, Missouri | 2018

Part of General Assembly 2018 Event 327: General Session IV

The following final draft script was completed before this event took place; actual words spoken may vary. Unedited live captions for General Session IV (TXT) were created during the event, and contain some errors. Captioning is not available for some copyrighted material.

Co-Moderator: I would like to welcome the Rev. Vail Weller the Director of Congregational Giving to give the Annual Program Fund Report. Thank you Vail and the Office of Stewardship and Development for all the work that you do.

[video narration] Our UUA Bylaws state: “A congregation becomes a member upon acceptance by the Board of Trustees of the Association of its written application for membership in which it subscribes to the principles of, and pledges to support, the Association.” Our principles and purposes close with this promise: “As free congregations we enter into…covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.” The vehicle for congregational support is the Annual Program Fund.

[end video narration] Vail Weller: I am the Rev. Vail Weller, and I have the privilege of serving as your Congregational Giving Director. Thank you for your support of our Annual Program Fund. Your generosity powers Unitarian Universalism!

I’d like to introduce….myself.

[video plays] “I visit many of our congregations and in each and every place I go, I am inspired. I am moved by the thoughtful, hard work that our congregations are doing to bring our shared UU principles to life. When I am with you…with our congregations… with our ministers…my faith in who we are and who we are becoming as Unitarian Universalists is enriched. It is a privilege to witness faithfulness in our congregations, and to help each congregation know it’s importance to the rest of the Association. Friends: your generosity powers the Unitarian Universalist Association. And the UUA is here to support and amplify what you are doing.

The UUA equips and supports congregations for vital and thriving ministry in all areas of congregational life. From publishing and online resources, to training and coaching, to ministerial search and settlement, the UUA provides essential foundational resources for sustaining transformative and liberating ministry.

For staff and volunteer leaders, the UUA offers valuesbased training, professional credentialing and support services, and comprehensive leadership development experiences to prepare for faithful leadership of UU congregations and communities.

Our faith calls us to take action for justice and liberation in our communities. As the national voice of Unitarian Universalism, the UUA shows up with campaigns and partnerships to bring UU values into the wider world.

Online, on paper, in person and around the world, the UUA helps people stay connected to our shared faith.

My friends, it is your support which makes all of this possible. Your generosity powers the Unitarian Universalist Association.

We know that generosity is an important component of the spiritual life.

Similarly, your congregation’s commitment to the Annual Program Fund is a covenantal spiritual practice. It is one of the ways in which you demonstrate that we are an Association of Congregations – by supporting not only your own, but all Unitarian Universalists. The other congregations across our Association depend upon your generosity, as you depend upon theirs.

We need each other in so many ways.

Through your support of the Annual Program Fund, you help to embolden congregations across our land to do the work of justice, to love more deeply, and to grow to meet the challenges of our time. Your generosity powers the Unitarian Universalist Association.

On behalf of all of the congregations that your generosity benefits… Thank you for your generous, steadfast, ongoing support.” [credits run, then it is end of video] Vail Weller: Wave your arms if you believe in the importance of our religious communities in this time!

Wave if you know this is no time to go it alone!

Wave your hand if you are a member of a congregation that proudly gives to support APF!

Wave your hand if you are from an Honor congregation (contributing the full amount requested)!

Please, look around. Make it a point to thank at least one of these representatives from congregations across our Association who help to support your own.

Please do come see us at our Stewardship and Development booth so that we can also appreciate you in person.

Your generosity powers Unitarian Universalism and the work of the UUA!

Thank you for your care, your love for our faith, and for your support.