Inform Leadership About Planned Giving
Inform and re-inform lay and professional leadership of the benefits of Planned Giving.
Most people have heard about planned giving in one way or another, but you would be wise to present the whole picture, how it can make a difference in their lives and in the life of your congregation. Consider making a presentation to your governing Board and other key leaders explaining the "win-win" opportunities a Planned Giving program creates.
Tell them about the Unitarian Universalist Association Charitable Gift Annuity program and Pooled Income Fund. These gift arrangements make payments to one or two people for the rest of their lives. Upon their deaths a significant gift comes to your congregation and/or the Association as a whole. Assets are invested in a socially responsible manner, and held in trust at State Street Bank in Boston, Mass.
Repeat this exercise periodically. Follow up with handouts and a personal visit to ask for the leadership to make a commitment to provide a gift in their Wills or some other kind of planned gift. When your professional and lay leaders know what Planned Giving has to offer, they can both apply it in their giving and help identify others who might enjoy giving to the future of Unitarian Universalism.