Congregational Fundraising and Stewardship Resources

Stewardship and fundraising undergirds everything that a faith community does and calls us into deeper connection with each other. Below is a list of recommended stewardship resources arranged by category:

  • Generosity and Stewardship
  • Facilities Planning
  • Appreciative Inquiry

In addition, our primary recommended resource is: Beyond Fundraising: A Complete Guide to Congregational Stewardship

Generosity and Stewardship

  • Congregational Stewardship Consulting
    Learn more about our Unitarian Universalist consultants who support congregations by building strong, sustainable stewardship programs that are grounded in the mission, vision, and community.
  • Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life
    A Tapestry of Faith curriculum that explores our attitudes and behaviors toward money in our everyday, spiritual, and congregational lives
  • Generosity Path by Mark Ewert
    A book that connects money to our values, beliefs, and loves and promoting skills and strategies in charitable giving.
  • Generous Giving
    Provides articles and papers about generosity in the church.
  • Digital Giving
    Webinar prepared by MidAmerica Region Spring 2020

Facilities Planning

  • Congregational Stewardship Consulting
    The Unitarian Universalist Association has provided congregational consulting services to several hundred Unitarian Universalist congregations, including Financial Feasibility Studies & Capital Campaigns.
  • Building Loan, Loan Guarantee, and Grant Programs
    Offers information about UUA building loans, loan guarantees, grants, and awards
  • The Green Sanctuary Program
    Provides a process through which congregations can examine and take steps towards a more environmentally just and sustainable world.
  • The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
    A community of leaders who work to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated. They administer the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system.

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry is an approach to strategic planning that foucses on identifying what already works well and building on those strengths rather than identifying problems.