What is a limited access agreement? In simple words, it's an agreement that's made between an individual and the congregation about limitations on their participation in the congregation. It's designed to protect vulnerable members of the congregation. But it also protects the person from being accused of inappropriate behavior as long as they are following the limited access agreement. If it's a person who is on the sex offender registry, then you would restrict access to their target population, whether that is young people, elderly or whomever. If it's a person who has financial convictions, then you'd ensure the agreement restricts their access to money, including not being an usher, or someone to check folks out at a fundraiser. If it's someone who has taken advantage of leadership situations, then the agreement would limit their work on committees and board. It's always best to reach out to your congregation's primary contact, to get help with creating a limited access agreement, and to talk about who needs to know what about the existence of these agreements. Certainly, the congregation needs to know that this is a way that you help protect vulnerable people. But depending on the situation, the identity of the people may or may not be revealed. There are many things to consider. How long ago was their offense, what level of recidivism is possible, and what other safeguards may be in place that protect you not only from the actions of known offenders, but also those who have never been caught. We do believe in redemption, and in the power of people to change, and we must balance that with protecting the vulnerable. In any case, please do be in touch with your congregation's primary contact for help and resources. More information on all safe congregations topics can be found on the UUA website@www.org forward slash safe.