Warren Brown To this point, we've talked about some of the equipment considerations. And we've talked about audio. One last thing that we want to cover is light. Lighting is very important when you're creating video because a camera is just a device that captures light. Most of the time, the ambient light in your sanctuary is going to be all you're going to need. This particular sanctuary has some spotlights that help to illuminate me also has some backlight that helps to frame around me and make me more three dimensional in the video scene. If you're not doing a live worship with a congregation, you can consider using additional lights on stands. You can get them inexpensively, they're soft, they have. When we say soft light, if they have a large, most of the time rectangular surface, that is a soft light. As opposed to just a single bulb would create a hard light and hard light makes harsh shadows, a soft light, you know softens the shadows, and is a much more pleasing look. So most of the time, you can just use the ambient light. If you don't have a congregation to deal with, you can add other lights. A couple of other things to think about, it's always more challenging, when you have a window behind you. Right now behind me, we just have the back of the pulpit here. And so the camera can capture me without competing with the bright light behind me. However, if there is a window back there, you're going to have to use more frontlight in order to punch me out of that really bright background. Without that, I'd become kind of a silhouette in front of that bright window. The other thing too is, if you've got people that have darker complexion, again, you're probably going to need some additional lighting in order to show their features. And you know, be able to clearly see who they are and what their facial expressions are, etc. So, lighting is important. Keep in mind that the way to check your lighting is to just look at your shot, look at your composition and say, Is it bright enough? Are there harsh, distracting shadows? And if if there are some of those things, then you want to try to address it. One thing that we really can't stress enoug:, watch your video, listen to your audio, make sure that everything looks and sounds as good as it can. And as you look at it, you can say this could be improved or that could be improved. Watch the playback. You've watched plenty of television, you know what it should look like. And just looking at your video will tell you what you need to know in order to improve. So I hope these tips have helped. I hope that you're able to stream your services and bring it to the wider community. And thanks so much for watching. Transcribed by https://otter.ai