Susan Tabone

Sue retired from the UUA at the end of 2017. She had served as the St. Lawrence District Administrator and later became regional administrative staff for the Central East Region. She lives in sunny and often snowy, Buffalo, NY with her husband of over 3 decades. She loves the cycle of the four seasons in the northeast. She enjoys meditating and listening to soothing music and the sound of waterfalls. When she is not stargazing, you might find her walking in the great outdoors at a park or local nature preserve or working in her garden.

She volunteers at the inner-city school where her daughter, Michelle, works as a Science teacher and Science team coach. Sue often assists the team with coordinating competition supplies and food when the students attend events. She also offers moral support and helps the students to reflect on their performance. When not working, Sue enjoys spending time working on crafty projects, and conversing with her daughter over tea.