Guest In Your Pulpit - Rev. Fred Wooden

Guest in Your Pulpit

Rev. Fred Wooden is a 4th generation UU, who has served as minister to six UU congregations since 1980 in various roles. He is now retired and living in Grand Rapids MI near his son and family. During his career he served on the Hymnbook Commission that wrote "Singing the Living Tradition," on the Commission on Appraisal and the Board of Review. He is also a pilgrimage walker, from the Camino de Santiago to the Kumano Kodo to the Inka Trail to Canterbury. In retirement he writes for Patheos as "Pilgrim Life."

Listing of Programs/Sermons:

  • Long Time Coming - a Pilgrimage of Race: focuses on my personal walk from Selma to Montgomery and the reflections it called forth.
  • Things to Do in Church When You're Dead: a look at the current state of congregational culture and what should be changed.
  • Six Perfect Minutes: thoughts on spirituality and its avaescent nature.

Rev. Wooden is also willing to create services by request. He has sermon series on several topics that could serve for a brief residence - weekend or month. He has done congregational workshops on theology, based on his book, "If not Now, When?" published on Amazon.

Availability: Within one day's travel. Willing to offer virtual or in person services.

Fee arrangements: Fee is whatever your congregation standard fee for presenters is.

Contact: Email Rev. Fred Wooden at