Mount, Rev. Elizabeth

Elizabeth Mount is a UU minister now settled at the UU Church of Cheyenne, WY. As a lifelong UU, Rev. Elizabeth (pronouns they, them, theirs) has seen the transformative possibility of our religious communities. Elizabeth is excited to create community, work for justice, deepen spiritual formation, and engage diversity through preaching and spiritual formation work in our congregations. Prior to entering seminary, they were an organizer with environmental and Latinx community projects in Western North Carolina, the Appalachian coal fields, and the highlands of Guatemala. They currently participate in work on climate change, anti-racism, and disaster relief within and beyond Unitarian Universalism. Rev. Elizabeth’s additional interests include “rereading all of Octavia Butler’s novels, hiking, drinking tea while savoring Becky Chambers' Monk and Robot series, weaving, playing Ingress, and climbing rocks, trees…and the occasional bridge.”
Sample Programs/Sermons
Titles of sample programs/sermons and a brief statement of content on each:
- Sermons, worship services, weddings, memorial services, celebrations of life, rededication/renaming ceremonies.
- Some sample sermons include:
- #harderthanhashtags—a sermon on the Movement for Black Lives and its intersection with our UU principles.
- Stars on the Water—a sermon about environmental action, based on personal experience of being involved in a Greenpeace protest as a climber.
- When is Enough, Enough?—a sermon about balancing abundance and simplicity in our lives.
- ... and many more. If you have a particular theme or topic you'd like, please contact me to ask.
- Available for workshops and planning support for non-violent direct action (NVDA), protest roles and planning, basic climbing and blockades, Street Medic/first aid response for actions.
- Available for adult RE workshops on environmental justice, conflict transformation, gender diversity, and facilitating large and small group work.
- References for workshops available upon request.
Virtually only.
Fee Arrangements
According to UUMA guidelines.
Email Rev. Elizabeth Mount at