Gonzalez, Joe Jr.

Joe Gonzalez, Jr. is from Stamford, CT.
Services offered with a short description:
- "I'm Pagan . .. I Don't Bite!" takes a look at what paganism really is, origin of negative steroetypes, and what we can do to bring a positive light back to this ancient religion.
- "Did Jesus Survive the Crucifixion?" Evidence that Jesus survived the crucifixion is found in the holy texts of several major world religions, including the Christian Gospels! We look at this and other physical and historical evidence and discuss the implications of Jesus' alleged survival.
- "The Flying Spaghetti Monster and Freedom of Religion" A fun discussion of the state of religious freedom in America and the role the FSM played in preserving it!
- "Death and Rebirth: Yule's Lessons of Balance" We all experience darkness in our lives. A discussion of the pagan festival of Yule brings a different perspective to this darkness and why we always have hope of the light returning!
- "What Are Your Roots? Tracing Your Family History Online"
In addition to the sermons above, Joe is a pagan High Priest and is available to lead your congregation in a ritual (adaptable to the format of your regular service), either specific to one of the eight Sabbats or just a general educational ritual.
Availability: Within 120 miles of Stamford, CT or to provide virtual services.
Contact: Email Joe Gonzalez, Jr at flegon@netzero.net